aquellos ojitos lindos

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*aquellos ojitos lindos means those pretty eyes (yes this is inspired by the song ojitos lindos)* 

'Salvia' was what he said under his breath. 

'Hmm' she hummed, looking fondly at him .

'Salvia' he said and tears made their way to his eyes. 

Moving towards him, she cradled him in her hands as he broke down there, finding his peace place who returned everytime he needed someone. 

'Ssshh, tell me what happened, why're you crying Tae?' she said softly in her soothing voice as he looked up at her face. 

She immediately wiped his tears with her fingers as he said, " I- They, they al-all, they all said that you are not real, that you're just a figment of my imagination, they-they-" 

He couldn't continue as words didn't come out of his throat. All that came out was muffled sobs. 

'Ssshh, calm down Tae! Don't cry, please.' he said comforting him. 

'B-but tell me, you tell me Salvia! You aren't just a figment of my imagination, right?' he asked, looking up at her with eyes filled with hope, tears threatening to make their way down his beautiful features. 

She didn't say anything, she just stayed quiet, like that, there, still, just smiling at him and pushed his face down and away from her. 

He paused when he didn't get any answer. 

'Tell me, Salvia!' he said, slightly loosing his patience. 

'Aquellos ojitos lindos, ellas son por lo que me enamore. Lo siento, no puedo romper tu corazon.' she thought in her mind.

'Salvia, Salvia!' he said, now getting desperate. 

When he forced his head up, he saw that there was nobody there. Yet he felt a presence beside him, near him. 

'Salvia, Salvia, where are you? This is not a joke! Come out now, answer me! Tell me you're not just my imagination, you're real!' 

Now the boy was loosing his patience as tears made their way to his eyes and he knew he was crying. 

'Salvia, SALVIA!' he screamed.  


'SALVIA!' he screamed and got up jerked up from his sleeping position to a sitting one. He was sweating badly, tears tainted his beautiful features and he was immediately engulfed into a strong pair of muscular arms. 

'Ssshh' said the guy, with a hulky body and biceps to die for, as he held Taehyung close by. 

'Calm down Tae, everything is gonna be fine.' he said when Taehyung started growing more hysteric with the thought of the girl who had captured his mind and thoughts, completely. 

'Listen, TAE, look here.' the guy said with a demanding voice which reflected that the speaker was accustomed to speak and to be listened to. 

'Close your eyes and do exactly what I tell you to do.' 

Hearing his firm voice, Taehyung was forced to comply with his words. 

'You're in a field, surrounded by water on all the corners. You walk towards the water. You see it and then you realise that you haven't had any for quite a long while. So, you decided to drink some water. The thought of the water being impure did cross your mind but your thirst got the better of you. You walk towards the water and fasten your pace as you move closer. And when you reach there, you see a glass near by and you pick it up.' 

All this while, the other guy had an accomplice of his own who was helping him to create the effects needed to distract Taehyung from Salvia. 

By the mention of the glass, the hulky guy signaled his accomplice to give him the glass filled with water he had prepared and kept on the table nearby. 

When the latter did so, the hulky guy continued. 

'Now, you pick up the glass and fill it with the water surrounding you. Then you raise your hand up and form a fist for keeping the glass in your hand.' 

When Taehyung did so, the other guy quickly put the glass of water in his hand. 

'Now, you drink the water.' 

The hulky guy looked at Taehyung with hopeful eyes as the latter drank the entire glass of water. 

'And, now, you slowly think of all the pleasant things around you and then you drift......... drift into..... into?' the guy questioned. 

'Into....... s-sleep.' Taehyung replied with a drowsy voice as a second later, he drifted into sleep. 

The hulky guy sighed in relief as his technique worked yet another time. 

Looking to his accomplice, he saw the questionable look on the latter's face. 

'I mixed 'eszopiclone' (Lunesta), a-a sedative, into his drink to make him sleep and calm for a few hours atleast Jungkook.' He said. 

'But' the guy named Jungkook looked up at the other guy with yet again a questionable look on his face. 

'How...... Why? Why did this have to start all over again Namjoon hyung?' Jungkook asked. 

'again?' Namjoon asked. 

'Okay, I need context Jungkook, what's been happening with my younger brother all this while?' he asked, not comprehending with what Jungkook said. 


(ooh, so we starting to get context now)

(also, the next chapter is super interesting, so pls do look forward for it!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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