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✨Welcome to the entry of the person with insomnia.✨
This is the very first chapter of this and it honestly really sucks having insomnia. You're always on the verge of wanting to fall asleep but then you Never do. So you start getting angry and a little bit irritated that you're not sleeping and trying to get the sleep that you want. I tried distracting myself from it, well not from it, but hopefully you can get what I'm saying.
I try throwing on music, covering up my eyes, tried breathing exercises. But no matter what I try, I could never fall asleep. I don't know what I can do to stop my body from this. Mainly my mind. I haven't been able to sleep in the past few days. It sucks that when I want to try to go to sleep but my body is basically rebelling against me. When I actually want to be productive during the day, it just wants to have a time out and take a nap or even sleep the full hours that I missed during the night. That's what happened to me yesterday.
I don't know what time I fell asleep. I know I stayed up until I hear the birds chirping, my folks are talking to them selves downstairs. I believe that it was around noon or something before I fell asleep. I ended up waking up almost around 6pm.
I never wanted to wake up around that time, but my body insisted.
I know that I am a night owl. I like staying up late. But sometimes owls need their sleep. So hopefully my mind stops and let me peacefully rest tonight because of this Journal entry. Currently it's almost 6 in the morning. Yawning after every word I type, wanting to go to bed. But I know that as soon as I close my eyes, my body will just fight it.

So hopefully, bit me good luck.

———End Entry———

Time ended- 6:16

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