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Dreams are weird.
    Some of them have Little to no meaning to them while others have very big significance. Sometimes you just don't dream. I have that sometimes. When I fall asleep, then feel like immediately waking up. But I found a way that I can have dreams. ✨N a p s✨
Sometimes naps are refreshing. People say that a nap is usually 30 minutes -1 hour.
I usually have 2 hour naps. But this unlocks my body to have dreams.

I have a view on dreams. Your dreams are how you depict your own fantasy world. What the people you're friends, enemies, family with, symbolizes to you.
   I had a dream where my late uncle came to visit me in my dreams. He basically told me that I needed to chill out and that I had nothing to worry about. He was right. I was stressing too much over school, almost to the point where It was making me physically sick like how it did during Covid. I did chill out and in the end I got my high school diploma. I really do miss him. I know he's my family's guardian angel watching down and telling me to chill the hell out when I really need too.
     I have other dreams that I would like to talk about but they would make this entry so long.

    I would sometimes look up what certain things meant and dreams like;

" What does it mean when everyone is wearing white in your dream"

" What does it mean when your friend is trying to kill you in your dream"

Or the classic one

"What does it mean when you dream about someone"

  Sometimes Google has the answers. Sometimes I would have to figure it out by context clues from my dream that I only partially remember because of my morning brain. It's all fun.

    For the very last question, Google states that it's how you feel about them in your walking life.  Walking life is your life when you wake up and before you fall asleep. What are your current feelings about them. Maybe you have an unspoken attraction to one of your classmates.  A burning hatred for your coworker.
Even sometimes it can be the other way around. How you expect them to act towards you.

Maybe if you can, try thinking about the dreams you had and why were they like that. It's always good to have a dream journal to document what you dream. Sometimes you can revisit it to see how crazy they were or how close to reality they were.

But hopefully I can sleep after this entry.
Insomnia is something else.

————End Entry———

Time ended: 6:45

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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