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Authors note- Yay! Im in a good mood :D Im sorry I haven't been updating lately but I have been busy with important stuff like sleeping and also reading other peoples stories n fanfics. I think my fav fanfics are all written by CalyptoDreaming. She is great :)

Okay lets gooo


I woke up to find someones arms around my waist. Something moved behind me."Morning Shadow boy," said a sleepy voice. I smiled."Morning Fish Face" I said back. Percy sat up and bent over me to give me a peck on the cheek.

I blushed and Percy laughed, pulling me into a tight hug."You are so cute when you are asleep. I could watch you all day,"Percy whispered, his breath fluttering by my ear.

"You drool," I said stupidly. Percy started to laugh, and I joined in."That was the first thing Annabeth told me when I came here to Camp Half Blood," he giggled.

That hit a sore spot for me. He still thought of Annabeth. I thought I was wrong to think that I could have him. Percy realized I had gone quiet."Neeks, you okay?" he asked, looking truly concerned.

"Im okay."I told him."I'm sorry..." Percy said."Sometimes she just pops into my head. But I promise, I am over her. But a part of me will always remember her," Percy explained. He reached out a hand and cupped my cheek."I love you," he said.

"I love you too," I said. Percy leaned in and kissed me, his lips just a whisper on mine. I loved him so much, he was just so perfect in every way. I could spend an entire lifetime just staring into those wonderful sea green eyes.

Percys lips moved from my lips to my jaw, scattering butterfly kisses down my neck. He worked his way back up to my lips again, making me shiver.

As our lips met again I tangled my hands into his silky soft hair. I pulled away to look at him.

"Percy, do you know how much I love you?" I asked."No, but I intend to find out. Do tell," he said playfully, absentmindedly curling a lock of my hair around his finger." I love you more than all the stars in the universe, more than the biggest infinity that there is. I would swim in Styx for you, even though I can't swim, and I would walk barefoot to the ends of the earth to see you smile."

A grin spread across his perfect lips."I love you with all my butt," he said."Wow. After that very touching speech I gave you, thats your reaction?" I asked, giggling."I would have said that I love you with all of my heart but my butt is bigger..." he explained.

That was the sweetest thing that he had ever said to me. It was so cheesy though, that I just punched him lightly on the arm and bundled him into a hug.

"So you cant swim?" Enquired Percy." Yeah..." I answered."Well let's fix that, shall we?" And with that he dragged me off the bed and out the cabin, towards the lake.



Okay phew! Im not sure how many more chapters im going to write because im starting to run out of ideas but I will let u guys know ;)

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K thx bye

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