chapter 1 - ...he is the one who pushed me into Fluffy's reeking sandbox...

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Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidential.

© 28 April 2015 @sumsumxoxo

All Rights Reserved

(If you find any grammatical mistakes, please excuse me as I don't have time for editing and English is not my first language)

Happy reading you beautiful people!

[TURN ON THE AUDIO and press the speaker! (for the whole book)]


chapter 1 - i hate him because he is the one who pushed me into Fluffy's reeking sandbox in elementary school

Dedicated to zenithsyzygy

(Pic of Jayda)


Uptown Funk (Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars)

Nobody's Home (Avril Lavigne)


Remember there's this one guy who once pushed you into the reeking sandbox of the school cat Fluffy in elementary school?

Twelve years later, he's still within your line of sight. Only that he's much hotter and gives you a million reasons why you should fall for his looks - then destroys your life emotionally.

You have seen him saunter along the hallways like he's Hitler in a 6'2", lean and well-muscled body, with blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He looks like a dream - almost every straight girl ogles at him like he's freaking Zayn Malik or teenage Leonardo Dicaprio. He is a total charmer with a tongue of silk and the manners of a gentleman. Girls who are attracted to him - who show it - usually end up emotionally scarred. That's because he is who he is. The player, the deceiver, the snake in an angel's body. He's the type that is perfectly aware of his charms and is not afraid to use it.

The reason why I hate him so much is not due to some romantic relationship gone bad, I hate him because he is the one who pushed me into Fluffy's reeking sandbox in elementary school. And stuck bubblegum onto almost every item that I owned. And cut 2 inches of my hair when I fell asleep in class. And got me into detention with him. I have no idea why he treated me like Cyclops to Wolverine when I had done absolutely nothing near the intensity of Wolverine's pining after Cyclop's girlfriend Jean Grey. I used to be deathly afraid of him (but to protect my dignity, I always put up a defiant act), now I have trained myself to stand my ground if anything of that sort happens again.

As if fate was on my side, he moved to another town for a year and a half after we graduated from junior high school. Hell, despite being miles away, I still hear his name from the lips of other students. Even being miles away physically did not hush any noise that the name "Cato Hastings" made.


How can a guy have that much of an influence?! It just isn't fair.

"Jayda!" I shut the door of my locker and turn to the girl behind me.

"You really are addicted to Tumblr," Skipper remarks, amused.

I fake a look of indignation, "What? The photos are gorgeous."

Meet my best friend Skipper. Super smart, hot as hell, social queen. Skipper is the image of perfection - a mixture of beauty and brains to a level that seems humanly impossible. There I am, with my plain blonde hair and too thin body. Frankly, I do get jealous of her sometimes, but her actions constantly remind me of how genuine, funny and trustworthy she is. I guess I should be the one feeling grateful because this gorgeous - inside and out - human being is in fact, my best friend.

It's A Waffly Romance (UNEDITED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant