Jarrett Silas Cowl

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(I just wanted to say that my wonderful friend LunaMochi127 helped me with this oc. So it makes it hers as well since we both made him)

Name: Jarrett Silas Cowl

Name meaning: Strength of the spear, Wood/Forest, Surname of Scotland

Nicknames: Pine or Jared

Species: Vampire

Gender: Male

Age: looks 20 but is actually 200

Birthplace: Manchester

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Nationality: British

Language: English, Korean, Japanese, and German

Birthday: October 31st, 1821

Birthstone: Opal and Tourmaline

Zodiac: Scorpio

Personality: Jarrett is a ISTJ, he likes having things organized and orderly. He is quiet, serious, realistic and likes to use logic more then anything. Though he may be quiet he still shows love to the ones he cares about.

Strengths: Has quick thinking, great leadership skills, is mindful, and fast reflexes

Weakness: Uses logic too often, looks cold, pushes people away, too bossy

Likes: drawing, making clothing for men and women, reading

Dislikes: rude people, people who don't know how to do stitching for clothing, color's that doesn't match

Hobbies: drawing up new design's for his company, playing the violin, going to the gym

Body type: Skinny/Muscular

Height: 5'11

Weight: 128Ibs


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