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I can't get that god damn dipshit out of my head.

I tried with all my might to avoid Oliver on Saturday, but that was apparently impossible.

He walks around with this air of confidence, maybe it's arrogance... His ego's so big, I think  his head might explode at any given moment.

Either way, he's infuriating as hell.

Like today for instance, he was everywhere.

He was in the room when I woke up. He was in the bathroom showering at the same time as me. I ran into him at the coffee shop, the cafeteria, walking around campus. The list goes on.

He was even in my stupid dreams, but I won't go into detail on that. I can't even comprehend the thoughts my brain came up with...

Now, I don't know if he was following me or it was merely a coincidence, but I can't escape this damn guy.

And I want to. I want to escape him. I don't wanna be thinkin about him shirtless. Or thinkin about him naked i'm the shower next to me. And I definitely don't wanna be thinkin about my tongue running over those washboard abs he has.

I wish my brain had an off switch.

I've never been attracted to guys, and I can't forget; I have a girlfriend at home.

A girlfriend who I love.

I think. At least i'm pretty sure I do.

...No, I do. I love her.

Who doesn't love someone after bein together for over a year. Yeah we might not have had sex, and maybe the furthest we've gone is sneak a make out session here and there, but that doesn't matter. It shouldn't matter.

Man, these thoughts are stressin me out.

She hasn't really talked to me much since I left though. Which is kinda confusin, but no point questioning it. It's only been a couple days and she's probably busy working. I mean there's nothin I can do about it all the way out here anyways. Not like I can go knockin at her door. Maybe I'll call her later.

It's just coming up to 6pm, I texted Logan to see if he wanted to have dinner together not in a date way. Just friends. He said yes, and we agreed to meet at the pizza place just off campus.

I threw on my trusty black and grey plaid shirt, some dark blue jeans, and a black curved beak hat. Luckily the one time i'm in the room today Oliver isn't here, so I rush to get changed and get out of there as fast as humanly possible.


"Hey, Logan!" I said happily.

"Thanks for comin. Wanna eat in?" I asked.

"Um, y-yeah. Sure. That sounds good." He responded with a smile.

I opened the door up, letting him go through first in which he gave me a shy smile in return.

The waitress happily led us to a small table by the window in the restaurant.

"Can I get you two something to drink?" She asked.

Being in the UK, I just realized i'm old enough to drink here. Legally, at that.

"Can I get a bottle of bud, please?" I said.

"Sure thing, and for you?" She directed her eyes to Logan.

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