The Homo Problem

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Defeated, Steven sat in anguish beside his friend Crawley, the living statue performer. "...and then 'ee started to say the most awful things about homosexuals..." Steven continued. As always Crawley stood motionless, never glancing at the man beside him. He held his position and stared forward acting like Steven was never there.

Prior to learning there was another man living inside his head, Steven Grant's only human friend to talk to was a living statue performer in the park. Crawley was a good listener and never judged Steven. Plus, Steven always brought him a sandwich to eat for free. So the best Crawley could do in return was to listen as he let his anger out. "I-I can't believe someone could be so hateful, ya know? It shouldn't mattah who you're with, even if they have the same private bits!"

Steven kept ranting and getting more and more angry. Crawley could tell Steven was passionate about this topic. In fact he was awe-inspiringly passionate. Hearing someone stand up for gay rights got Crawley's hormones pumping. He could feel his blood heat up beneath his painted gold skin and move down his body making its way to his pelvis. Before Crawley knew it, he could feel his male reproductive organ harden and press against the top of his golden trousers creating an alluring bulge. Despite having a surprise erection, Crawley kept still, but struggled to do so as he got hornier by the second.

Steven finished his rant and turned over to Crawley.

"Thank you old friend, I don't know where I'd be without y–" Steven stopped mid sentence and noticed there was something off about Crawley. He was drenched in his own sweat which washed away parts of his gold paint. He was also twitching uncontrollably as if he was fighting some powerful desire. At first Steven was shocked at the sight of this. "Uh, you oh-kay?" Steven asked. As usual, there was no response. He proceeded to watch Crawley, slowly shifting his gaze down to his crotch. Thats where he noticed there was a humongous bulge, a cock bulge. Steven's rant on gay rights had turned crawley on! And now he was trying to hide the fact that he had a boner. In excitement, Steven's butthole puckered up. Seeing Crawley struggle awakened something in Steven. Seeing his friend trembling uncontrollably introduced a shameless tantalizing sensation he had never felt before. Steven bit his lip and smiled seductively from ear to ear. "Mmmm... So you're a dirty boi, eh bruv..." Steven moaned, eyeing Crawley's boner.

The erotic comment made Crawley's erection bigger and his body twitched more rapidly. "Ohhh, you like that don't you bruv?" He teased. "I know you want me to tear those sexy golden tights off and strangle myself on your floppy artful throbber." Crawley's eyes bulged out of their sockets. Buckets of sweat washed the remaining gold paint from his face. His energetic hour hand pointed to midday and rang loud just like Big Ben! "BOONG!!!" If it were any bigger than a good three and a half inches it would have surely ripped his pants clean off. He tried to pull himself together, he tried to stay still. But Steven's advances thwarted his performance. He surely was going to bust a nut. "Maybe you could use a little 'elp..." Steven said. Crawley continued to twitch like a convulsing chihuahua as Steven reached for the hidden behemoth. With the excitement of the golden cock reveal building, Steven was ready to do all sorts of lustful things to it in a public setting. Steven looked into Crawley's glistening eyes. "A-are you read–"

"STEVEN!" a disembodied voice hollered.

Steven Grant shifted his eyes to his reflection in a nearby puddle and met the angry face of Marc Spector.

"STEVEN, WHAT THE FUCK!?" Marc said.

Before Steven could explain himself, he blacked out.


 Light advanced into view as he rose up off of his couch. As his eyes adjusted, Steven could see that he was back in his flat. Confused, he stumbled to the bathroom. He felt depersonalized and strange. He could have sworn he was just in the park with his friend. Then it hit him. Marc must have taken control over the body and taken him home. But why? He began to recall that exciting sensation he was experiencing. There was a strong presence of libido and excitement that would've led to the first ding-a-ling gobbling. But all of it was taken from him by Marc. Why?

Steven looked into his bathroom mirror where he met the irritated Marc Spector.

"I should've known," he said. "I could always tell you played for the same team but I admit, I didnt think youd have the guts to pitch first."

"W-whut?" Steven asked.

"I mean I know you're gay, Steven. It's pretty obvious."

Steven's eyes widened. He felt like a cat out of the bag. What would Marc say next? He was probably disappointed with Steven.

"Listen," Marc continued. "I'm fine that you like guys and it makes me happy to see you happy. But I cant allow you to have sex with other men in my body."

For a moment Steven felt relief, but that relief slowly turned to a feeling of uneasiness.

"B-but, don't you 'ave sex with Layla all the time? I-I mean..."

"That's not the same, Steven. Its not gay "

Triggered, Steven bursted, "Well that's not fair, now innit? 'Ow come you get to screw Layla in my body? 'Ow uncomfortable do you think I feel? Knowin' you 'ave sex with a woman in MY body."

"It was MY body to begin with Steven. I decide what it can and cannot do."

"Whuh-whut, that's completely unfair! It's my body to and I should 'ave equal control over what we do!"

"No Steven! It sickens me. If you had gay sex in my body I would never be able to sleep again. Then I'll make your existence a living hell if you do!"

"Oh, so you'd think sleepin' would be difficult, yeah? Well d'you think it's easy for me to rest when you're pumping Layla's pipes? You jus' keep moaning, moaning, moaning. Sound like some bdsm tosser moaning the Bee movie script! I always end up staying up all night when you're fucking!"

"You watched!? " Marc said in a raging fury. "Oh my god Steven, you little perv!"

Infuriated, Steven fled the bathroom and marched to the kitchen to escape Marc's gibberish. He stopped for a moment and took a few deep breaths calming himself down. He poured a cup of water and sighed in relief because he thought he escaped that ding-dong. But to his surprise, the flaming eyes of Marc Spector stared through the water's reflection in his cup. In a reassuring tone, Steven uttered a few words.

"I-I barely looked bruv. It's n-not like I got off or anything..."

Marc's expression didn't change, so Steven continued and tried to compromise.

"Let's make a deal. I'll stop wathcing ya while you're 'aving intercourse with Layla and then you allow me to have sex with men."

"NO! NO! NO! If you have sex with men in my body I'll be recognized as a gay man. I can't have that. This body is straight and I need to keep it that way."

Taking a step back in surprise, Steven looked as if he witnessed a murder. "Bloody hell, I can't believe my other half is a homophobe."

"For Pete's sake, Steven! I NEVER SAID I WAS HOMOPHOBIC. I just can't have you having gay sex in my body. THATS FINAL!"

The argument ensued for a couple more minutes until it was interrupted by a knocking at the door.

"Marc?" a woman's voice called.

From the reflection Marc shifted his gaze to the door and focused back to Steven. Before he could think of anything, Steven blacked out and was reawakened from the perspective of the glass on the kitchen counter. From the water's reflection he watched Marc let in Layla and greet her with a loving charm. All while acting as if nothing had happened. 

Moan Knight (Steven Grant x Arthur Harrow)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora