Chapter 2: The Experiment

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 John came home at around nine. After dinner with Sarah, he had met up with Lestrade for a drink at a pub. Although the detective inspector had gotten quite tipsy, John had only had one glass of wine and wasn't at all drunk. He was a bit tired, however, and hoped to have a cup of tea and read the paper before he went to bed. But when he opened the door, he knew he would have anything but a quiet night. Sherlock stood in the doorway, aubergine shirt on, eyes flickering with something strange but very Sherlock.

"Hello, John."

"Hello, Sherlock. How's the case?" John turned to hang up his coat. Sherlock rested his shoulder against the wall, staring at John with his grey-green eyes. When John noticed, his heart gave a little thump. They were the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. 'What are you thinking?' a voice cried in his head. John quickly turned away and made for the kitchen. A cup of good, strong tea would set him right. It always did.

As John made the tea, Sherlock stayed close, too close to be anything but extremely intimate. He never took his eyes off the smaller man, and John became very uncomfortable. But, as the tolerating man he was, John decided Sherlock was in one of his modes and it would pass over soon. He set his cup down on the coffee table and tried to go and get the newspaper, but Sherlock blocked his way.

John sighed. "Alright, Sherlock, what do you want?" Sherlock took a step closer. The two men were so close, they were breathing each other's breath. Roughly, Sherlock pushed John against the wall, pinning him down by the arms with slender hands.

"I want you," Sherlock growled into John's ear. The consulting detective pushed up against the army doctor, and John could feel Sherlock's slenderly muscular chest through the tight, thin, aubergine shirt. He was so warm - 'Stop this. Stop this now. What in the world is going on?' John told himself. But he couldn't stop what happened next. Sherlock was too strong, and John was too limp with shock and fear.

Sherlock slipped a cold hand behind his flatmates neck and pulled him forward. He kissed him passionately, pushing his tongue in and sucking at John's lips. John was falling apart. He could barely think anymore. Sherlock felt so good, tasted so good, smelled so good, looked so good. John wrapped his arms around Sherlock's neck as the other man's hand moved downward to the army doctor's crotch. John gasped, but didn't stop kissing, moaning against Sherlock's lips. After a few minutes of this lustful kissing and stroking, Sherlock pulled something out of his pocket and shoved it into John's mouth.

"Eat," he commanded, and John, who wasn't really anything more than a whisper now, obeyed without hesitation. It tasted disgusting, but he chewed and swallowed anyway for Sherlock, or whoever it was touching him so lustfully now. But then, too soon, Sherlock pulled away.

"Perfect!" he cried, acting himself again. "Thank you, John, for working with me. I understand everything now! How irritatingly simple and human!" Sherlock dashed to the coat rack, pulled on his coat, and was out the door.


Oooh! Suspense! Next chapter coming soon! Please comment, vote, follow, share, whatever, it really motivates me! Thanks again ~Kate

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