Getting You

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Tony Stark/Iron Man

Everyone knew that Tony Stark was a playboy, so it was really no surprise when a lady showed up at his door, holding a baby. The baby looked to be about three months old. 

"This is y/n. I can't do it anymore Tony, I can't be a mom. She's your problem now." said the lady, handing the baby over to Tony. Tony awkwardly takes you, the sleeping little baby. The lady leaves, and Pepper comes down to the door, seeing the baby. 

"Tony, you're holding her wrong." she picks you, the small baby, up and you begin to fuss. 

"You want your daddy, don't you?" Tony says. 

"Are you going to keep her?" Pepper asks, handing you back to Tony, showing him how to hold you. You went back to sleep right away. 

"I mean, she's mine, so...yeah" Pepper nods, and vows to help Tony no matter what. 

"Hi little one, I'm your daddy. I'll always protect you"

Steve Rogers/Captain America

Steve was on a mission with Bucky, and was fighting Hydra soldiers. There was a baby that Steve knew he had to save, but before he could get to the baby, the soldiers injected her with the super soldier serum. Bucky shot the rest of the soldiers, and you fell. Luckily, before you hit the ground, Steve caught you. 

"Oh shit, what are you going to do with her?" asked Bucky. 

"Language!" Steve said, making Bucky laugh. Then he thought about it. 

"I'm going to keep her, and name her y/n." Bucky nodded. Steve held the cooing six month old and smiled.

Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow

Natasha Romanoff. She was trained in the red room, put through hell and back. She was checking up on the freed red room girls, when she saw a young girl. She was holding a baby. Natasha walked over to the young girl, who couldn't have been more than fourteen. She hadn't had the hysterectomy yet. 

"Please, I can't do this!" The girl was crying, and so was the baby. Natasha nodded solemnly. She always wanted a child of her own. 

"May I?" she asked, reaching for the baby. The young girl handed her over, and once Natasha was holding the baby, you, both of them stopped crying. 

"Hello детка (baby), hey y/n" she said to you, the newborn in her arms. 

"You can have her...Tell her I'm sorry." says the young girl. Natasha nods, finishes up what she's doing, and then leaves. Tony questions the baby in her arms on the quinjet, but gets shut up real quickly with a glare from Natasha.

Clint Barton/Hawkeye:

 Laura was dilated ten centimeters. This was baby number four for Clint and Laura. There was Cooper, Lila, Nathaniel, and now there was soon to be y/n. It was a pretty speedy delivery, and as Laura was moved into the recovery room in record time. There were no complications, and Clint was in love with his new baby. Natasha came in and said 

"Is this little Natasha?" jokingly. 

"No, this is y/n" said Clint. Natasha smiled and said 

"Can Auntie Nat hold her new niece?" Clint held you tighter and said 

"no, my baby." 

"Aw come on Clint, give her a chance to hold new niece." Clint smiled goofily, before agreeing. 

"Here, but I want her back right away," Clint said, making Laura laugh. He already had three kids, so he had everything prepared. He was ready to step into fatherhood once again.

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