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The government of cybertron is a constitutional monarchy with a very powerful monarch. Bills go through two houses, a House of Representatives and the grand council, those two make up the senate. If the bills pass by a simple majority (if there is a tie the heir to the throne of cybertron is the tie breaker) they go to the king or queen to sign, however the king or queen can veto it, making the bill need 75 percent of the vote from both houses to become law. The House of Representatives is a thousand man house and the grand council has two hundred members. The House of Representatives works in a district system where one district will elect one representative (this is because some colonies that normally wouldn't get a representative only for that colony can get one due to treaties and demands of those colonies) with whoever gets the most votes. The grand council goes by vote from the entire empire, anyone who graduated high school can vote, and for every .5% of the vote a party gets a representative they appoint, if a party doesn't get .5% they don't get any votes, and since everything doesn't go by .5% if a party with over .5% has over have or another .5% they would get another representative (for example a party with 1.4% of the vote would get three council members).

The senate also votes for budgets and for the ministers which act like the cabinet of the United States with the major ones being the Chief Justice which is the justice for the government, the minister of the economy who manages the economy, and the prime minister.

The judicial system is very simple, they carry out suits, any changes to law goes to the senate, their is a constitution that promises things like freedom of speech, freedom to own weapons, freedom or religion, freedom of movement, and most freedoms, except to not be watched but unless people are rich they aren't watched or tracked as long as they pay a decent amount of taxes. Any addition or change to the constitution goes through the senate and needs a two thirds vote, the courts are very weak in this system.

The military is a very large well funded one, all ships, guns, missiles, and anything is made by a collection of companies ran by Astroll, who gives them to the military for cheap, not making to much profits, only making him the richest person on cybertron. The military is ran by many old talented veterans and headed by royal heir Nightglider, who despite being young is very good at her job if a little ruthless. The military has very good weapons and is mostly used for offense with only some planets having any substantial garrisons, although many planets are allowed to create their own garrisons.
The navy is attached to the army, there is a fleet in every sector and in every important system (those with large colonies) with very strong fleets and twelve fleets that you where they are needed, those are much larger, and two large fleets used on the frontlines for bombardment, and one massive main fleet that stays stationed on cybertron.
The seekers are lead by Starscream but that is mostly ceremonial, a council of the lieutenants really controls the organization. The seekers mostly are just the army but in the sky and they assist the army a lot and even have ground troops but they are also still used for their original purpose, finding energon. And the bomber corp also still bombs cities in hostile territories.

The colonies are ran in a neo-feudal system. Every planet has a governor that rules it, then a collection would of every electoral district is ruled by a king or queen (Starscream is technically an emperor but most people call him the king) that rules over those governors. They get a bit of the taxes but the majority goes to the federal governor and all of the kings and queen are fairly weak all things considered, and they are kept from meeting with each other and can only get a personal guard of up to 2,000 members. Governors can get a personal guard of 50 people.

The royal family are guarded by a faction of the secret service called the praetorian guard, ten thousand fierce warriors who protect the royal family (the secret service works like a mix of the American secret service and the ss). The current king is Starscream and whenever he dies the crown will go down to his oldest child or the child of his eldest child (so if he dies it goes to Nightglider, if he dies and Nightglider dies it does to his second oldest Valkyrie, if he dies and Nightglider had a kid it goes to the kid and the oldest available child will act as a regent til the child is grown up).

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