Dirty Deku Holidays

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Christmas- everyone is hanging out in the dorms and Todoroki goes to Deku and takes him to his dorm and they have a very fun night.

Deku- babe why are we in your room instead of hanging out with everyone else?

Todoroki kisses Deku's neck.

Deku- oh so it's that kind of night, huh?

Todoroki- yes it is.

Todoroki and Deku start making out and Todoroki pins Deku on the bed and proceeds to take off his shirt and the proceeds to take off Deku's shirt and he starts kissing Deku's chest going done his torso getting to his pants button, then starts to unbutton and take off Deku's pants and boxers then proceeds to suck off Deku.

Deku- T-Todoroki where did you learn how to use your tongue like that?

Todoroki- remember i'm a male stripper.

Deku- oh right, i forgot for a second.

Todoroki starts to make out with Deku, then Deku flips Todoroki to where he's on his back and proceeds to suck off Todoroki as well.

Todoroki- mmm~ Midoriya when did you learn how to suck someone off this well?

Todoroki finishes in Deku's mouth. 

Deku- before we got together Shinsou taught me how to do it.

Todoroki- really, Shinsou?

Deku- yeah, i never thought he knew how to suck someone off that good but not as good as you.

Todoroki- he's a really good teacher then.

Deku- i guess he is.

Deku starts making out with Todoroki.

Todoroki- mmm~ snowflake.

Deku- do you like that puppy?

Todoroki- yes i do snowflake.

Todoroki kisses Deku's forehead.

Deku- you're such a simp puppy.

Todoroki- you're a simp too, you gave me flowers for our two month Anniversary snowflake .

Deku- well yeah because it was your favorite flower and also because the only time a guy would get flowers is at their funeral, so that's why i got you flowers.

Todoroki- okay well then, close your eyes.

Deku- okay.

Deku closes his eyes, and Todoroki pulls out red and green flowers and a necklace.

Todoroki- okay open your eyes.

Deku opens his eyes with an excited look on his face.

Deku- awe puppy, you got me a necklace and flowers! 

Todoroki- do you like it?

Deku- i love it, and i love you puppy.

Todoroki- im glad you love it, and i love you too snowflake.

Todoroki and Deku get ready for bed and they fall asleep in each others arms.

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