"Ice topping the mimosas, but I gotta stay sober"

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It's been a few days since that party that Bloo said he was going to. It was strange since he seemed to be really excited about it. Talking about how he's meeting Trevor there. You haven't heard a word from Bloo at all, and usually Bloo never shuts up whenever you're away from your phone. He spams you with texts until you respond which can get quite annoying sometimes. However, this doesn't change the fact that he's one of your closest friends. In fact, you don't really mind it when you're not busy. When you noticed this behavior, you decided to text Trevor. You guys never talked that much unless the three of you guys were hanging out together or if it had something to do with Bloo. He's a really nice guy though. Even though his looks made you feel a little bit intimidated when you guys were first introduced. Trevor never responded to your message which added to your worries. You put your phone down as your mind began to flood with the possibilities of what could've happened to your friend.

You shook your head as you decided to take this into your own hands. You've debated on going to talk to Bloo ever since you caught a change in his behavior, but you felt like it was none of your business. If it's for the safety of your friend, you would do anything to make sure he's ok. Making your final decision, you grab your bag as you head out the door. The walk to his house wasn't awful, and it was quite a nice neighborhood if you ignored the trash left over from frequent parties. You sighed as you reached his house. It was quite simple and convenient for someone who lived alone. This made you curious if Bloo and Trevor ever talked about moving in with each other. With a quick inhale to brace yourself, you knock on Bloo's door. With what feels like forever, you hear objects fall down followed by curses as Bloo opens the door...and boy does he look terrible. This strikes you with worry. Bloo was always a clean freak; making sure everything is organized and just how he likes it. For example, he comments on how a shirt is too wrinkly while nagging you to iron it, fixes your clothes and isn't afraid to tell you if your outfit looks bad. You can say that it's his love language or something. You honestly can't tell.

"You look like hell, Bloo.." your voice laced with concern as you look him over. Cracked screen, messed up clothes and bent up antennas. You hold yourself back from bombarding him with questions you may have incase it overwhelms him at all. Bloo furrows his brows at you "Wow thanks," he says as he makes sure you hear the sarcasm dripping from his words. He stands there annoyed waiting for you to say something. "Look, if you're just going to stand there after coming to my house only to insult me, I'm not in the mood" Bloo begins to shut the door only for you to shove your foot in the doorway, wincing a little at the pain. "No! I'm sorry, it's just a little shocking seeing you like this. You're usually not like this, and it's been days since I've heard from you.. I want to know what's going on.. I'm worried about you, Bloo.."

Bloo simply stares, groaning as he opens up the door so you can enter. As soon as you walk through, you noticed how messy it was. Tissues all over the place (even though it confused you knowing that he never secreted any form of liquid) used batteries strewn all over and the very noticeable ice cream tubs over the coffee table. The dishes in the kitchen seemed to be unwashed as well. Another sign that Bloo's mental health may be declining. Making room for yourself on his couch, you sit down while looking up at him, patting on the spot next to you. "What's been going on?" Bloo takes a moment to respond while having flashbacks to that night. "I broke up with Trevor," he sighs as he tells you the events that took place that night without leaving out a single detail. Bloo finishes while fidgeting with his controller, that little hunk of plastic that controls him. As seconds tick by, Bloo is getting impatient by your silence. Bloo's actions that he described really made you think about how many mistakes he made during that night. However, you couldn't form any clear opinion without hearing Trevor's side of it, but it would be kind of awkward considering how you guys never interacted that much.

"You know what?- It's fine. He was just being immature and such a-" He stops mid-sentence as you notice his harsh grip on the controller. You quietly call out his name as you reach your hand over to try and comfort him. This causes him to recoil, as he continues "I'm better off without him." Both of you knew that he didn't mean that. Even if Bloo still hated to think back on that night, he still had feelings for Trevor that he wouldn't dare to say out loud. You're left with no other choice, but to try and get him back on track with his life. There's no way you can sit here watching him fall apart. You knew how much Trevor meant to Bloo and you didn't understand how easy it was for him just to drop Trevor like that. You didn't know what to say in a situation like this, but doing the best you can is what matters. Making your way to his kitchen, you grab a trash bag from the cabinet and began picking up the trash that littered his home. Jolting up from his seat he goes over to you "I can do it myself- I appreciate it, but don't feel obligated to do anything" You have a feeling based off of his reaction that Bloo isn't used to people helping him out. On their free will that is. "I was the one who came over here, so don't worry! I want you to sit over there and let me help you. After I'm done, I want to focus on this.. that looks like it hurts" You point your finger around the area that his crack and antenna are located. "I can continue to clean this up. While I'm doing that, would you like to talk about anything that you're feeling at all?"

"I said I'm fine."

Looking at him, trying to read him, you decided not to pester him about it if he didn't want to. "Alright, well I'm always here if you ever need to talk," you say with a genuine smile. As much as Bloo would want to forget about everything that night by getting drunk off of mimosas, he's got to stay sober in order to fix his inner turmoil.

"You're perfect, but you're not for me" Bloo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now