40 (Series part 4)

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Neon Red Light


(Part 4)
Colorant (Red Pallete)

(Part 4)Colorant (Red Pallete)

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Jungkook's obedience streak as a good submissive gets challenged when Jin gives him three rules to follow while he's out with his friends.

He is lowkey curious how Jin executes punishments in the bedroom and how well he can handle it.


Jin's eyes stared at him sharply, making the younger gulp. "Oh? Are you planning on disobeying hyung? Maybe you're not a good boy after all." He taunted.

"No, hyungie," Jungkook whined, eyes going wide in surprise,  "Koo is good. Promise." He pouted at the accusation. No way he was going to break his obedience streak.

Jin chuckled, unable to resist him, "Of course you are baby." His expression softened then kissed his submissive again, "You gonna listen to the rules I have for you baby? I promise it'll will bear good rewards," then he added in a sultry tone, "That is if you're able to follow."

Jungkook leaned in to kiss his hyung, "What are your conditions, hyungie?"


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