When We Were Children... (chpt 1)

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Luna's POV:

When I was a very young child my neighbor was my best friend. Me and Nolan grew up across the street from each other. When we were just six years old we invited both of our families to our wedding (a fake one, of course). We've always been the couple to get attention in public, any and everywhere we went. "You two are just the sweetest couple, I can't wait until you're married." Mind you all during this time we hadn't even reached high school yet, and personally, I didn't want to.

Today is the first day of high school. For some reason I was struggling to get dressed. What to wear, what to do to my hair, should I put on makeup? So many thoughts ran through my mind all at once. It was never hard styling my clothes, but ever since I dyed my hair red everything's been off. I throw on black jeans, "perfect, i can style from here" I thought. I dug in the trenches of my closet to my over shirts, I never normally wear them but something just feels different today. I throw on my grey ACDC shirt with maroon writing and a maroon flannel, grey converses, and head to the kitchen.

Nolan was already in the kitchen chatting up my father, "Good morning, baby." he spoke to me, wide awake. My father looked at Nolan, back to me, and back to Nolan, "You stole my line again, Jacobs" They laughed and went back to their conversation. My family loved Nolan, he was like the son they always wanted. He's always been top of his class, very active in the community, and a very respectful young man. I love him, but lately he just hasn't felt right. I assume it's growing pains and move on with my thoughts. I mean, my parents fight and they're still in love, what's a little discomfort, anyways?

I grab a breakfast shake out of the refrigerator, "Come on Nolan, don't wanna be late for our first day. I said sarcastically. My mother walked in looking at me with disappointment in her eyes, "
Por favor, cariño, ¿intentas tener un buen día?"
my mother said, "I will mamá, I will." I said. I grabbed Nolan's hand pulling him towards the door, "We gotta go, adios te amo" I yelled running out of the door. The bus pulled up right in time, we got on and sat.

I love this feeling. This feeling I get with him, knowing he's mine. However, I still feel discomfort with him. "What's the matter my love?" He looks to me and grabs my hand. I haven't told him how I feel,
and I don't know if I will. Why make him worry? "Nothing, Nolan." I brush it off and look at him, "where are we gonna go eat for lunch?" At our school you get to eat off campus.

"I was actually gonna hang out with my friends at lunch, if that's okay with you of course." He was waiting for my answer, "go for it! I'll eat in the cafeteria today." he hugged me tight and said thank you. The bus got to school and we headed to the auditorium for orientation. Every class had their own section, we found freshman and sat with the rest of them.

I look around for my friends, and they're no where in sight. I look to my left and see a girl looking at me, I've never seen her before, she had medium length blonde hair curling over her shoulders, her eyes were a beautiful green color, unlike any other. She smiled at me and waved, I smiled back and turned away. I was nervous for some reason, I didn't know why. "I'm gonna go sit with the guys, okay?" Nolan said to me, "alrighty" I responded.
I watched Nolan go sit with his friends, I was left alone with an empty seat in between me and everyone else. As I look around the auditorium the girl walked up to me and sat down.

"Hi," she said to me. I started to panic, why was I panicking? "Hey, I like your outfit," I said. She looked down and smiled, "thank you, yours is cute too!" I giggled, it wasn't funny but I couldn't help it. "Orientation is about to begin, please go to your seats." a voice over the sound system said. "I'll see you around, mystery lady." The girl got up and went to sit back with what looked like her friends. She's cool, I wanna be her friend. I thought. I felt my cheeks get hot, was I blushing? First day jitters I suppose.

Orientation was over and we went to our first class, I had Robotics and Nolan had math. I walked into class to see my teacher from last year, I dropped my bag and ran over to her, "Mrs. Dyes!!" I attacked her with a hug. "Well nice to see you too, Luna!" she said to me. Mrs. Dyes is my favorite teacher, she has been like a mother to me ever since I started middle school. I let go of her embrace and picked up my bag, "what's on the agenda today boss?" I sat down at my regular table and got out my notebook, "well today we're making new pairs, since we have new students."

The bell rang and Mrs. Dyes went to the front of the room. "I would like to welcome you all to your first day of highschool. It will be much more intense then middle school, but I trust all of you will be able to handle it. " She wrote her name on the board, and went to her desk. "first things first, let's get you kids into pairs." She started paring kids left and right, and then a name I had never heard was called. "Kacie Mills, you'll be with Luna." A girl stood up, I couldn't see her face yet. She turned and it was the girl from this morning.

She sat with me and stuck out her hand, "we meet again, mystery lady" I shook her hand and smiled. "I suppose we do, Kacie Mills." She smiled back, "alright, alright, i guess you have a name or whatever, nice to meet you Luna." Mrs. Dyes finished pairing students and gave us all time to talk. "Wanna play truth or truth?" Kacie asked and I nodded. I went first, asking her where she's from, "My dad works for this oil rig company, called cactus, and his rig got moved down to Oklahoma. I'm from here, but I've only ever been here for like a year." I nodded in response.

"Okay Luna, are you single?" I looked up at her shocked, why does she care? I thought, "No, I'm with my long term boyfriend, Nolan." I was twiddling my fingers. "Long term?" Kacie asked, "Uh, yeah. We've been dating for years, five at least." Kacie looked at me in shock, "Oh wow, that's a uh, long time." I looked down at my hands, "I don't know if I even like him most of the time," I scoffed as I said it. "What do you mean?" She looked at me. "He's a great guy and all, we've been friends since birth, but I don't have feelings for him like that. I don't know, I tell myself it's growing pains and move on but at the same time I wonder if we aren't meant to be." I put my hands in my face after I finish, "I'm so sorry Kacie , I barley know you and I tell you everything already." Nobody else knew I had felt this, she's the first I've told.

Silence for a moment, then she spoke. "You sound like I used to." Like she used to? What? "What do you mean?" I asked looking at her, "Before I came out I dated a guy my family loved, because I was afraid of what people would think. I tried so hard to be something I wasn't, and in the end I was so tired of hiding. So I just came out." I couldn't help but laugh, "No, no, I'm not like that. I just think I've fallen out of love with Nolan." I said. She looked around the room, almost purposefully avoiding my eyes, "whatever you say Luna." The bell rang and we got up, Nolan already waiting for me by the door. "How was class baby, make any new friends?" He asked me, I look over to Kacie, "yeah, one I think I'm really gonna like."

A/N: i dunno when i'm gonna update stories but please be kind! not only am i a new writer but i have a lot of life away from writing!!

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