The morning of the disaster

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*alarm rings and wakes y/n up* 

y/n- this stupid alarm starts shouting every morning, ughh I have to get up for another shitty day at school now

*y/n goes down to the dining hall after getting ready* 

y/d/n- Good morning y/n! Come have your breakfast
y/m/n- Good morning honey! I made your favourite pancakes today, have some
y/n- I'm late for school i'll have breakfast in the school canteen.
y/m/n- Honey! Atleast drink some juice 

 *y/n pretended she didn't hear them and left*

Bella- HEY Y/N!! Good morning!! 
y/n- *coldly* good morning 
Bella- Have you heard about the new student joining us from Japan??
y/n- (i'm seriously not interested in hearing this) no
Bella- Oh, it turns out it's a guy named Akio. Apparently he used to be in our school earlier
y/n-  (as soon as i heard that name my mind was reminded of someone but i ignored it) Ok, now let's go to class we're late
Bella- *follows y/n*

*y/n reaches the class and sees a guy introducing himself* 

???- Hello everyone! My name is Akio and I would like to be everyone's friend in this class. Please treat me nicely, thank you. 
y/n- (gosh he has the guts to ask the class to treat him nicely) *you walk inside the class without saying anything* 
Mr. Bruce- Good morning y/n, you're late today. 
y/n- I know *goes and sits on an empty seat in the back* 
Mr. Bruce- Anyways, Akio you can go and sit with y/n at the back
Akio- Okay sir *goes and sits beside y/n* 
y/n- (why i do feel like i've seen this guy somewhere) 

 *the bell rings and the class ends, y/n quickly runs to the canteen since she was hungry since she didn't eat breakfast*

*while running y/n bumps into someone who was hard as rock* 

y/n- AHHHHH!!! What the- 
Akio- Oh, i'm sorry I didn't see you *offers his hand to help you up* 
*y/n refuses his hand and gets up on her own* 
y/n- it's fine *coldly* 
Akio- Okayyy also do you remember me?
y/n- huh? I don't even know you, how would I remember you? (i did feel he was familiar but i denied) 

**This is my first time writing so if anything is wrong i'm sorry** 

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