4- summer dress

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Keeping her eyes open in the morning was the biggest challenge Odella had come across in months. She opened them only to close them and fall back asleep seconds later -  the process repeated itself.

She had no actual intentions of getting out of Jeremiah's bed until the boy himself practically dragged her out of it.

"Rise and shine princess." It was half-past 9 and Odella sighed realizing that if she didn't get up now she would end up wasting her day away in the blonde boy's oddly comfortable bed. "I'm making breakfast sandwiches."

She got up.

After changing into the most comfortable dress that could possibly ever exist, the girl followed Jeremiah downstairs. She took her time dragging herself into the living room where she rolled onto the couch ignoring the protesting groans coming out of Conrad Fisher who was laying under her. The girl laughed to herself as he sat up and put her feet in his lap, he glared at her.

Laurel turned to them for a moment before turning back to her previous conversation, "Belly, are you sure you want to do this? It doesn't seem very you."

Odella looked at the young girl who sat in the kitchen sporting a big bruise on her face, her eyes lingered for a bit before deciding that staring at it wouldn't do anything to help it get better faster.

Conrad rested his hands on Odellas legs, his head snapped up to listen to what was going on in the kitchen.

"It's not."

Odella directed her gaze away from Belly and hoped that no one saw the way she had rudely kept eye contact with the bruise for more than ten seconds.

Susannah shook her head at her son, "Conrad, could you please be a little more supportive?"

Odella tossed a pillow at the brown-haired boy beside her, "Conrad not being negative? Unheard of." The teen rolled his eyes while everyone else laughed, "Prince charming here is just mad because he didn't get enough beauty sleep."

He turned to the girl and raised a questioning brow before glancing up at Jeremiah who was cooking something in the kitchen, "Yeah I didn't. And it's all your guys' fault."

Odella looked up to see Jeremiah already looking at her, both of them smiling sheepishly to themselves.

Belly looked around the room, her eyes staying a bit too long on the smiling teens, and when no one spoke up, she decided to. "What are you talking about?"

"I heard Odella and Jeremiah giggling at like 3 in the morning."

Odella's smile dropped.

Way to be a team player Conrad! now I know who not to call when I have to hide a dead body... though it's not like I would've called you anyways. Considering how this conversation is going, the body would be yours.

When the others turned to look at her she hoped that no one saw the smile she had exchanged with the blonde boy earlier, she knew what they were thinking. They probably seemed like they were smiling at something they shouldn't have been doing.

"Why were you even up?" Conrad questioned the girl while Jeremiah turned his body away from the stove, he was prepared to lie his way out of the conversation. Telling everyone about the girl's breakdown wasn't even a choice unless Odella brought it up herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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