-chapter one-

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Ugh I'm waking up once again I just really hate this f*cking life there is no point of being here like. The love of my life died. My sister who was my hope died. And well my best friend Stephen who moved away only texts me once every 3 days?  Well I mean Stephen is my last hope, he gives me inspiration and well I hope nothing bad happens to him ether..
Anyways well it's 6pm and as usual my apartment is giving me depressed vibes as if it doesn't already.. I finally have the motivation to get up and check my messages- and hey! Look it's Stephen (messages)
S: hey y/n! How are you love?
Y: yeah im alright Stephen, and you?
S: I'm actually really happy! I have amazing news!!
Y: what is it? Did you find your watch? 🙄
S: Haha I wish.. but even better..
Y: did Christine divorce her new "husband" and fall for you? ^-^
S: y/n I told you! I'm happy for her okay she deserves a non chaotic guy like me okay.
Y: Come on just tell me or Im gonna shut off my phone 🥱
S: I'm coming to see you in 2 days and I'm staying with you for 2 months..!!
*That's the moment I freak out. I don't know how to respond..*
Y: Im a actual mess though..
S: y/n your my best friend I don't care how you look ❤️
Y: thanks Stephen.. anyways I gotta get ready for work see ya! I can't wait for you to come!
S: alright! See ya!

I put my phone on the floor and sit there frozen. ITS STEPHEN AND HES COMING WHAT..?
I need to clean up and take the day off. To fix my sleep schedule.. actually I'll take the hole 2 months off.. after all I guess I'll survive. should I start cleaning?. I don't know where to start.. I'll start from the living room to the kitchen I guess..

2 hours later

God 2 rooms for 2 hours lord wait where is he gonna sleep? I sleep on my only couch. Oh god- I am not gonna do that no I'll just order a blow up mattress for like 60 bucks on Amazon I guess?- *orders* well now I will just um..

How is it 9pm already? Whatever I'll just um- I'll play on my Xbox since I'm bored.

Plays till 11pm

Okay I need to just ugh fine I'll force my ass to sleep early like I don't even remember last I Time I slept at 11?
I guess I'll do it so I don't seem like a vampire to Stephen.. well I will go take some pills to send me to sleep and I will try to sleep!..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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