He Kisses You

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Sher Khan
Sher Khan had taken to following you around a lot. bringing you kills and just generally spending time together. Sometimes it annoyed you. You didn't like company all that much and Khan being around usually meant Kaa would follow. Other times you enjoyed the attention from the other feline, like now for instance.
You were lounging around by a small river, with over hanging trees to provide the perfect shade. You had a full belly thanks to a deer Khan had brought down for you both to share and were just drifting towards the edge of sleep when Khan lay over you.
"Get off,"
"No," his tongue made quick work of any protests you had, licking gently over your muzzle and cheeks. It wasn't a grooming or bath, the other tiger had kissed you. Turing your head to face him you hesitated but returned the kiss with a nuzzle of your nose against his, a soft rumble leaving your chest before curling up into his side and falling asleep.

Gaston had taken you hunting. Off in a forest near the village where the game was plentiful.
"If I bag a buck larger than yours I get a reward of my choosing," he put forward to make the hunt more fun. Thinking it over you nodded,
"Okay, but I get one too if I win. Fair?"
"We are agreed,"

Two hours later You pouted as Gaston dropped a magnificent stag at your feet, probably five pounds on your one with large antlers and beautiful coat. You sent a prayer up to Heaven and conceded defeat to the larger man.
"And what will be your prize good sir?" you laughed lightly in good fun but the laugh drifted off when Gaston pulled you to him with an arm around your waist.
"A kiss," with that he bent his head and kissed you full on the lips. His powerful arms keeping you pressed to his muscular chest, your hips aligned and leaving nothing to the imagination. His lips were softer than you thought they'd be but coached you into reciprocating the kiss with a sigh. His tongue flicked out briefly to lick along your bottom lip before he withdrew.
"Yes, that is an adequate prize," before you dragged him back into another kiss.

Hans had been doing very well in the gardens. You praised his talents to his father when the man asked for updates on his sons progress.
"I think he does regret his decisions, if for no other reason then to be able to do something other than rake leaves," you joked.
"Thank you (y/n), you've been of great help to me these past few weeks. The mess with Arendale is now settled and we have begun trade with them again. Which means Hans can return to his regular duties," you nodded, feeling saddened by that. Which confused you. Surely it would be better for the kingdom if their prince was once again back to his regular work?
"As you wish your majesty," you bowed and left for the gardens.

Sometime later that was a knock on your main greenhouse door. looking over you saw Hans.
"Shouldn't you be with your father right now?" you asked opening the door.
"I wanted to say thank you. If not for you I don't think I'd have realised how selfish I was being," he handed you a rose bush, like the one he had been working on a few weeks back. And lent forward to press a kiss against your lips.
"Hopefully we'll see much more of each other," he turned and left, you stood there shocked, your hand raising to brush your lips as a blush decorated your face.

Dr Facilier

You were gazing at the newest edition to your courting gifts in adoration and contemplation. You thought you knew who was sending you these little surprises but you weren't certain. You intended to catch the person in the act the next day.

Behind a tree that faced your bar you waited. It was around the same time as the presents would usually be found but so far nothing. You were getting fed up with waiting for the stranger and thinking of calling it quits for the night when someone walked down the street. You recognised the top hat and cane, and the gift bag from the jewellers down on main. As the man stopped in front of the door you leapt from behind the tree.

"AH HA! Caught you!" the man turned and to your delight, it was Facilier. You beamed happily and threw yourself at him, the other man caught you and held you tight. "I'd hoped it was you," you whispered.

"Well, your wish is my command," with that he bent his head and connected your lips in a sweet kiss that you reciprocated wholeheartedly.


You walked along the pride lands aimlessly. Most of the pride was lounging around Pride Rock but you were very aware of one who was missing. Scar, you two had grown very close in the last few weeks. You were able to see a side of the lion nobody else had, a sad lonely male that hid it all behind snark and moody silences.

Passing the main watering hole you slumped down to take a long drink. A shadow fell over you before someone lay beside you. Turning you smiled at Scar who huffed and lay his head on his paws.

"Good to see you Scar," you greeted happily before turning back to drink. Scar looked at you from the corner of his eye before leaning into your side, looking over surprised you gasped when he lent forward and licked a stripe up your cheek. You blushed and dropped your eyes in a display of unnatural shyness. Scar smirked and gave you another kiss before laying his head back on his paws.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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