Part 1

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Howard and I started to stroll down the dimly lit street. It's a beautiful night. The stars are shining bright with the cool breeze flowing through our brown hair. The sound of the party music fades with every step we take.

"Hey Jordan, how was Danny's party with your ex being there?" asked Howard.

"It was really weird because Stella acted all bubbly and friendly," I replied.

"That is really strange," Howard agreed.

I broke up with Stella two weeks ago. She cried and called me some colourful names. Although it didn't go according to plan, a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

"I'm busting for the toilet." I told Howard.

"Ok." Howard called back.

I loved Danny's signature lemonade and felt grateful the toilet wasn't locked. I washed my hands and walked out. Suddenly, I forgot how to breathe. Lying lifelessly under the light of the moon was poor Howard.

"HOWARD! Wake up!" I yelled.

I carried him home. I unlocked the car, placed Howard in the passenger seat and drove as fast as I could to the hospital. The brakes went, SCREECH! I grabbed Howard and headed to emergency reception.

"My twin brother is unconscious! HELP!" I yelled.

"Doctor Rey is on his way now," the receptionist replied.

"I am Doctor Rey, please follow me," he instructed.

I followed him into an empty room and placed Howard onto the first hospital bed.

"I will need to run some tests, you can sit in that chair while you wait," he told me.

"Thanks doc," I panted.

The adrenalin ran out and my limbs turned to lead as I plonked myself onto the chair and waited.

A few hours later Doctor Rey came back with the diagnosis.

"Howard is in a coma," he said.

My heart sank. It was all my fault. If I hadn't stopped at the toilet, he would have been ok. "Fortunately, new technology has allowed us to see what coma induced people are thinking and dreaming," he informed me.

Relief washed over me like a wave. I can find out who put him in a coma. I fired up the machine and put the headband on Howard. I put the goggles on and was transported inside his head.

Howard is unconscious and endlessly falling into a black abyss. I ripped the goggles from my bloodshot eyes, tears streamed down my face.

"I wish you were here now. I feel so lonely without you, I need your smarts," I cried.

I drove to Danny's house and rapped on the door.

He answered, "Hey man, how are you going?"

"Did you notice anything weird at the party?"

"Stella left after you guys and told me she was travelling interstate for a family emergency."

"Doesn't all her family live here? That doesn't make sense."

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