Part 2

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Back at the hospital I looked into Howard's mind again and this time he was in the library and I saw Stella there. Stella, in the library? That's strange. A website on her computer showed a brain with a skull and crossed bones on it and I shivered.

I take off the goggles and get in my car. I race over to Stella's house. I drive into her street as she pulls out of her driveway. I chase after her. She abandons her car and goes on foot. I grab some zip ties from my tool box and continue to follow her. She corners herself in an alley. I run towards her, ties ready. She pulls out a pocket knife and pounces at me. I grab her wrist, twist it behind her back and pin her to the ground. I tie her feet and hands to a pole. I call the police telling them a woman assaulted me.

"What was that about?" I shouted at her.

"I hate you!" she yelled back.

"So you tried to kill me?"

"I'm heartbroken!"

"As if! You did it because a boy would never break up with the perfect, popular princess! What did you do with Howard?"

"I don't know what you're talking about,"

"LIAR! Tell me!"

"Fine, I did it! At first I wanted you to be the victim but then I thought, it would be more painful for you, if it was Howard. I shot a special formula of Xanax into his ear to leave no traces in his blood or saliva. It obviously wasn't strong enough because he didn't die! But the coma had to do, if I were to get to my plane in time."

"You're psychotic."

The siren wails as a police car pulls up next to us and the officer arrests her. I hop in my own car and drive to the hospital. I ran to Doctor Rey and told him what caused the coma. He set to work immediately. Within an hour, Howard finally awoke. I warmly embrace him.

"Hey, I felt you in my mind. I'm so proud of you!" Howard beamed.

"Thanks, I might have solved this mystery but I still need my amazing, nerdy twin. I love you man," I said with glee.

"I love you too bro."

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