chapter 7

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Anna fell asleep on Jayson's Chest when Anna's head are rested onto him as she touched his pitch black hair and wrap around her, and she woke up and said "we caught an ruthless killer since she killed an innocent young man" and Jayson said "I'm an 19 year old kid and i was murdered by Roman Krueger. I was hanged with my fams" and Anna said "I was his victim, being drowned in a large pool" and Ava came and socialized with Anna and Jayson "I'm a little bit tired" and he said "come in and join and cuddle" Ava sleeps next to Jayson and hugged him, holding Anna's hand.

Anna was walking to the bathroom grabbed cups of water and gave Alex, Ava, Jayson cup of water and he woke and grabbed the water and chugged a whole thing with seconds until it is gone and Anna back to bed with him and hand on his stomach and they 4 slept.

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