part 1:taken

89 18 1

3rd person pov

Tommy was just getting some food from the dumpster like every other day when he randomly gets picked up

"Hey man put me down!"

"I'm bringing you home"

"Wait what"

Tommy then gets taken to some random house that was near by but not before he scratched the heck out of the strange man

(This is thinking by the way)
The hell does this man want well might as well see how this plays out


"Wilbur why the f*ck did you bring a raccoon in here!"

"But he looks cute!"

"Still,Wilbur! Why the f*ck would you think that bringing a raccoon in the house was a good idea!?"

Tommy was picked up and put up to a other man's face Tommy then looked at the man and made a cute noise the other man then said

"Never mind it's staying!"

Man can they just let me go already I want some tra- I mean to go home

Meanwhile Tommy was being stalked by a man with a soft brown hair (Wilbur) he was then pulled into Wilbur's arms and sat down after a minute(forgot is was still like this but please ignore it

(Wilbur's thoughts)

What do racoons eat? To Google!

As Wilbur was distracted on his phone Tommy was then swooped up by a man with light pink hair (techno)

"Now what to do with you"

"Eh I'll just let you explore the house"

Tommy was thankful for that he didn't want to be stuck in one place for to long

And off  I go!

He thought as he zoomed past the pink haired man to go explore

He started to walk around the house and went to the kitchen that he saw earlier and started to search for hiding spots if he wanted to be alone he then left with some "pretty damn good hiding spots" he then left to explore the rest of the house once he got a good look on the first floor he went to the second one and got a good look on half of it why didn't he finish it? Well he was picked up(by Phil) and taken in a room with the other people he was wondering what was going on he was then placed in front of the men they were talking but he couldn't hear them

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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