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It's no longer you that i know
You're far beyond her
As she hears the mirror echoed
She burst in tears

Yes I'm actually losing her
I couldn't find her anywhere
Is she hiding because of pain?
Maybe she has escape because she's drained

I wish i can embrace you one last time
Where am i supposed to look for you?
I've been dreaming to touch you once again
I just missed you, badly.

I missed your laughs that i love
You're genuineness among all that i know
You used to be the braver one that i always adore
I missed you, I do.

If i just smile to fight the pains
If i just become more patient with my foes
If i am just braver to face the certainty
Then self, I won't be losing you

But I'm still glad because reality awakes me
If i can spot her, i will restore her
I will guarantee that her wounds will turn to beautiful scars
I can still hope to see my laughs and smile

I can still be more unfeigned like her
Confidently, the one i can find is more courageous
She is still being that silent diary
 but not anymore of hatred and bitterness.

Yes i can still find her
I still hope
I still believe
Because I still love and fight for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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