Chapter 1

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Winter woke up inside her mother's car. But something happened. The entire sky was black, as if she was inside a dark box. Winter opened the door closest to her, grabbed her backpack, which contained her cellphone and a fidget spinner, and her broomstick. Inside her car were two books, and a Unit Pixel, which she also grabbed and put into her backpack. The Unit Pixel was a video game console. It is very small, but it doesn't have a screen. The solution was to use a USB cable to link her Unit Pixel to her cellphone. Then a program on her cellphone called Reimari Remote Desktop (I don't like mentioning real products in my stories) would be used to remotely access the Unit Pixel's screen. From there, she could play video games, access her digital notebook on the console, or even use it to make new programs. It is said that the Unit Pixel uses magic instead of electricity to run. The Unit Pixel needs to be charged every so often, but electrical energy from a solar panel can be converted into magical energy using a soul link. If Winter loses it, she can't charge the Unit Pixel's magical battery as she doesn't know of any way other than using a soul link. Within the Unit Pixel lies a chip that communicates using telekinesis to a wide variety of devices. The chip doesn't interfere with the telekinesis used by moon rabbits, because the frequency sent by the chip is different from those sent by moon rabbits. The Unit Pixel also has a spectrometer, an extremely fast USB port to transport data extremely fast, with four much slower USB ports so she can play video games with other people.

Winter stepped outside her car and looked at the dark sky. Her pet cat-like creature with two tails and a cute face stepped outside. The creature had white fur and two mysterious golden halos surrounding each of its tails, and its name was Snowflake. Winter walked down the road and saw that the car that she was in crashed into a bridge. She went to the end of the bridge, and decided to climb down a mountain, and saw an extremely mysterious compass that seemed to lead her further along the road. Winter grabbed her broomstick, put the compass on it, and Snowflake stepped onto the broomstick. Winter flew above the road, which eventually came to a close, giving way to a giant lake. She flew above the lake, and she eventually spotted a tower on an island in the middle of the lake. She started flying down and landed on a stone path in front of the tower, surrounded by two rows of trees, with considerably dark leaves. She took out the lantern in her backpack, and turned it on. Like the Unit Pixel, the lantern uses magical energy stored in a battery. Winter could see nearby things clearly. Winter and her pet Snowflake walked into the tower, which was darker than RGB(0, 0, 0) if it wasn't for her lantern. She walked down an extremely thin staircase. The staircase was very slippery, and there were no guard rails, so Winter decided to use a rope to go down. Snowflake stepped onto the rope and climbed down it. Winter sat on Snowflake, and Snowflake climbed down. The two safely made it down, and now a long corridor was in front of them. Winter walked through the corridor and Snowflake walked behind her. They made it to the end of the corridor, and Winter opened a wooden door. The two found themselves at the end of a basement of what looked like a small store, and a woman in a maid costume walked down to Winter.

Winter had trouble speaking to the woman, so she stayed quiet. The woman told Winter to not be shy and introduce herself to the woman so she could help her.

"Hello." Winter said nervously.

"Continue introducing yourself." The woman responded.

"My name is Winter and I came here because..."

"Tell me where you came from."

"I came from this mysterious dark place which looked quite scary. Any tips for me?"

"There are some things you need. First of all, you need a good school so you can get a quality education. Second of all, you need a job. I know that your parents have had jobs back when you were with your parents, but now that you left them behind, you will need a job to buy food and shelter. It may be tempting to go to a public school because they are free, but you can't register for them. Only your parents can, and they have to be with you. The government won't give you free housing, because they only give free housing to students if they live with their families. So your best bet is to try to secure a contract with a private school. Many of them are cheap, and they are likely going to accept a witch judging by how powerful you look, and are, considering that you can survive a dark box by yourself. So tell me your accomplishments and apply for some private schools. And don't work for a fast food chain, because they pay very little. I will let you use my computer to write the letters." The lady gave Winter some advice.

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