Chapter 7

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Raina checked her cellphone and saw that she got two new notifications. The first notification was a message sent by Aditi's mother. The message said that she was asked by one of her friends to give medicine to Aditi, who apparently had a fever. The second notification was a message sent by Scarlet. The message said that Scarlet and her friends will join the girls from the Bunny House, so Scarlet and her friends packed up. Raina decided that the best thing was to help Scarlet and summon another portal, so that is exactly what she did. First, she grabbed the portal spell book and used it to get rid of the second half of the portal that was located in the middle of nowhere. Raina then made the second half of the portal reappear next to the girls.

Scarlet and her friends flew into the portal and through the barrier. The barrier was disabled immediately after thanks to a group of spaceships operated by an opposing faction known as the Ryukaru Syndicate. The fortress was too small to fit any spaceships, so all of the soldiers went on foot. The barrier being destroyed made a door appear inside of the interior wall. The girls walked through the door, which led to a thick corridor. The walls inside the corridor were made out of bricks that were darker than those found inside the walls. They walked until they reached what looked like a small staircase with only three steps. The girls sat on the staircase, where they could see the Reconitan.

The Reconitan was in the center of the fortress, visible to all of the girls. It looked like a red crystal, shaped like a rhombus. It was surrounded by a barrier smaller than the one that surrounded the fortress until it was destroyed, and small lightning bolts of magical energy appeared from the Reconitan to the barrier. The Reconitan glowed bright and red, but the red glow was dim compared to the light coming from outside the fortress. There were staircases on all 4 sides of the Reconitan, not just the side that the girls came from. Soldiers sat down on the other 3 sides. Raina noticed that there were four tables that formed a square around the Reconitan. The four tables were made out of metal, with glowing lines that glowed in different colors. A ghost girl appeared out of nowhere, in front of Winter. The ghost girl was Winter's twin sister, and she was in a maid outfit.

"I know you're reunited with your lost twin sister, but I'm stuck inside of this room until you can get rid of the barrier that surrounds the Reconitan. The Reconitan is my only way out. But how do you get rid of the barrier? You need to find four enchanted wools, Red Wool, Blue Wool, Green Wool, and Yellow Wool," the ghost girl said to Winter.

"I'm pretty sure that you can simply destroy the barrier," Raina responded to the ghost girl.

"Raina, I'm not talking to you. And besides, the barrier that surrounds the Reconitan is special, because it cannot be destroyed using magic."

The ghost girl started to hug Winter, causing Winter to feel relaxed. Meanwhile, the soldiers on the other 3 sides started to shoot at the barrier, causing small dents to appear in the barrier. The barrier grew back, proving Raina wrong. Everyone agreed that the only way to get rid of the barrier is to put the four wools on their respective tables. The ghost girl even gave a hint to where the four wools are.

"Each of the four wools is in the center of its own dimension. The way you access these four dimensions is by using the charm on your broomstick. Draw a pentagram on the floor and put a crystal that shares an element with the wool you're after in the center of the pentagram. Then put your charm on the crystal and you will find yourself inside of the dimension. Then if you want to get out, just use a portal spell to create a portal that leads back home. The dimensions are very dangerous, so I recommend against collecting the wools unless necessary. Your compass will point towards the wool so you won't get lost if you do have to collect the wools."

A soldier serving the Ryukaru Syndicate put a metal stand beneath the Reconitan. Another soldier working for the same company put another metal stand beneath the Reconitan. Plasma flew from the Reconitan to the metal stands, so the metal stands were intended to channel the energy coming out of the Reconitan. A giant metal ring started to assemble itself. Its purpose was to shield off enemy spaceships while also shooting a giant laser that will permanently destroy the barrier surrounding the Reconitan, while also causing a lot of damage both inside and outside the Dreamworld.

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