Chap 1

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It was the same dream again. Elizabeth was back to the day that she last saw Jack, and he was getting ready to leave.

'Please don't leave me! I fear something bad is going to happen to you!' She pleaded.

'Elizabeth, I afraid I have to.' Then he gave her a kiss goodbye, and left.

And the dream always ends the same, with her finding out that he had died. And she wakes up crying.

'That's terrible.' Lucas said in sympathy after Elizabeth was done telling him.

'I know. It usually only comes up when it's close to the anniversary of his death, but for some, reason, it's coming up when it's close to Christmas, and I don't know why!' Elizabeth replied.

'Well, given that Little Jack was born around Christmas, maybe that's why. I know I can't actually replace your late husband, but at least I can help take care of you both.'

'Oh Lucas. I never expected you to replace Jack! A part of me will always love and miss him, and every other part of me wants to love you!' Then she snuggled close to him.'

'We're going to have an amazing life together.' Lucas said.

'Yes, we are!'

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