Chapter 1

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TODAY IS MAY 26,2025

It's almost the end of summer break,so Lucy decide to ask Kenny to go to the mall and buy new things and clothes for school.

"Kenny let's go and buy things for school, it's almost the end of summer break"-Lucy said to Kenny cutely.

"my bag and clothes that i use last year is still ok, so i don't need to buy a new one, and i don't have enough money,because i'm saving money."-Kenny replied to Lucy.

"what you think Irish will tell you if she saw you using your old bag?"-Lucy said to Kenny.

"she will laugh at you!"-Lucy said

"you don't need to use your money, don't you remember that i know my dads bank account code?"-Lucy said with smirk.

Kenny just laugh and Lucy grab her hand and they both get in the car and go to the mall.

They bought alot of things and clothes, and their so tired of walking around so they stop to a restaurant and eat there.

While their eating, Kenny ask Lucy.

"do you still have a energy?"

"yeah,why?"Lucy replied curiosly.

"do you want to go to the arcade?"-Kenny ask excitedly.

"sure!"-Lucy replied happily.

When they finished eating they rest for 5 minutes and went straight to the arcade.

They take alot of pictures and win alot of prizes and play in the arcade for an hour.

Kenny check the time and its almost 9:00pm, so Kenny ask Lucy to go home.

They went out the mall and go to the car.

Lucy drive Kenny home, and they talk while their on the way in Kenny's house.

Lucy's driver stop the car and Kenny get her things what Lucy bought her.

"Lucy Thank you so much for these"-Kenny said happily.

"You're welcome Kenny, see you next week in the school,mwahh"-Lucy said before Kenny closed the door of the car.

"byeeee"-Kenny said while the car drove off.

Kenny went in the house,her mom is already asleep.

So she put her things in her bed and sleep.


Kenny went downstairs and saw her mom cooking breakfast.

"good morning mom"- she said while she give her mom a back hug.

"good morning sweetie"-her mom replied and give her a kiss on the forehead.

"did you and Lucy have fun last night?"- her mom said.

"yeah,and Lucy bought me things for school nextweek and we went to the arcade"-Kenny replied.

"you're very lucky to have Lucy as your bestfriend and your sister"- her mom said.

"yeah she's so sweet and a kind person"-Kenny said with smile.

" i'll show you later our pictures and things what we bought yesterday"-Kenny add.

"okay"- her mom replied happily.

"ready the plates and let's eat" - her mom said.

Kenny put the plates and spoon and fork in the table, then they eat.

They finished eating and Kenny cleaned up the table and wash the dishes.

After that she showed her mom what they bought yesterday.

After showing it to her mom,she went to her part-time job as a waitress in a restaurant.

And her mom works as a teacher in a elementary school.

Kenny works so she can help her mom with the house bills and for her school.

Kenny go to a private school where Lucy study, they are always classmates.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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