Chapter 1 - Dreams

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Jade Gibson

Everyone has a dream. Some people try to make theirs come true and some are content with the way their life is going. I'm in my twenties now and for the first time in my life I decided I'd take a risk and make my dream become reality.
My dream was simple - move to New York. The big apple.

A whole year I struggled with finding a flat and a job but finally everything was set. I'd rent the former flat of an old friend and work for a small newspaper as a cartoonist.

Now, not that my life was horrible so far, but it wasn't exactly exciting. There would never be any stories which I could tell my children if I kept living like this. "Like this", as in a small city, called Whitehood Hills. Where you could either hang out on the playground or visit the only shop in town. Problem is, the only shop in town is a grocery store.

In high school we often went to a café, called Uncle Paul's, but after high school was over my little group of friends slowly split up and everyone went their own way.

Today it would be my turn to go my own way.
Everything was packing and I headed downstairs where my family was already waiting for me.

"I can't believe you are really leaving," my mum said while pulling me in a tight hug.

I returned her hug and answered while patting her back: "I'll miss you." After a second I looked at my dad and my little sister Daisy and added: "All of you."

Next one to hug me was my dad, but only a short hug. Afterwards he looked at me with a stern expression. "Don't do anything dumb," he tried to play it cool but there were cracks in his expression, he's going to miss me.

"I promise." Last I looked at Daisy. She looked at me. Then her arms were already wrapped around my legs with her sobbing, "Don't go!"

"I'm sorry, Dais'. But I'll visit you...and I'll bring you something from New York."

She held on for quite some time until she nodded slightly and let go.

Here we go. "Bye, everyone," I said while looking at them a last time and then I went outside.

A few minutes ago I had called a taxi. Now the driver was already waiting for me. I quickly pushed my bags in the backseat and got in myself as well.

At the airport I went through the usual routine of checking in, waiting, body check, waiting, finally getting on the airplane and then even more waiting.

Everyone in the plane was bored and tired of all the time they must have spent at the airport today. The long safety instruction by the stewardess didn't make it any better. Only as the plane took off a few relieved sighs went through the plane and especially the passenger who were dressed in business clothing seemed to relax.

I, for my part, should have relaxed as well but all in a sudden I couldn't. When the wheels of the plane left the ground my heart skipped a beat and all kinds of worried thoughts poured in on me. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. I might get fired from my new job. I might terribly miss my family. My dream could turn into a nightmare and I'd lose all the money I saved the past years to make it become true.

There was no way I could relax. The whole flight I tried to sleep but my brain didn't stop pushing these thoughts onto me. I was doomed to sit there silently and wish for my brain to shut up.

It could have taken hours or even days for the plane to land, to me it was an eternity - even though I knew better. The flight didn't really take long.

I waited until everyone else had left the plane. Maybe if I'd keep sitting here the plane would just take me back home.


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