Here Lies the Core of an Apple

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John was a rather simple man. 

He had a rather simple life. 

Worked a rather simple job. 

Even had the most simplistic family: grandmother, grandfather, father, mother, and a younger sister. And of course his name: John Arthur Smith. Note that John was not short for anything, and no one called him Johnny. He had no extraordinary goals in life, just to work, create and provide for his family. Each day just like the last. That is until a week before his grandfather died.

"Child, come see me. You know my days are short and yet you barely bother to even call. I'm sure you haven't once thought of me. Haven't been home in decades." Grandfather's voice was rough and scratchy and somewhat slow. John could hear each breath he took snag on its way to his lungs and back out. John ignored his grandfather's exaggeration. He had visited home three weeks ago. He lived down the street and saw him at church every Sunday. Nowadays it was hard to get back home with work. Most days John was too exhausted to even eat. Although he knew Grandfather missed him, it was hard to find the energy to go see him. And when he was honest with himself he knew there was another reason he strayed away from home, it hurt to see his grandfather. Every time he saw Grandfather he could see death picking at his skin. Time leaving him behind. The medicine slowly, slowly chipping away at his mind.

"Ok, Pa. I'll come to see you after work tomorrow." John marked it down in his planner.

"Good child. I'm tired now, go eat something" Grandfather said before hanging up. John laughed at his way of saying goodbye.

Grandfather waited excitedly for John. He couldn't drop the smile that was stuck on his face. When Amelia came she was quite surprised. It wasn't that he never smiled, just that he had never smiled for so long. Movement was very painful for him.

"Mr. Smith, you seem to be in a good mood today. What shall we read," Amelia asked as she set her things down. In response, he handed her the note his son had written. "Ah, you're saving your voice so you can speak with your grandson." Speaking was another difficult task for him, if he spoke too much during the first half of his day he couldn't speak for the rest. "Today you want to read your favorite chapter. Shall we start then?" He nodded still smiling. Grandfather had grown a small obsession with the book Amelia had introduced him to. He could no longer read. His doctors ordered him to stop, so he had Amelia, his neighbor, read to him each day. At first, he only allowed her to read classics he knew he'd enjoy, but Amelia worked on him. Soon she had convinced him to let her read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and he loved it. Now he let's her read anything she wants to share, some were essays, others were books she's forced to read in class. Amelia read happily to Grandfather. They had read this same chapter multiple times before, she was surprised it didn't bore him. As she prepared to leave she watched Grandfather check his watch again. Although she had never met his grandson, she was quite pleased with him. Grandfather would never admit that he was in pain and miserable, but she could tell he was. She knew that his grandson found a way to set his mind at peace.

Grandfather felt impatient. He knew he was decaying and soon his soul would leave the rotten apple he called his body. He had a goal to reach. He needed to see his grandson. He needed to share his epiphany.

John didn't come until five o'clock. He had been caught by an unhappy client who refused to leave. He was greeted by his mother once he arrived.

"John, I'm glad you're here," she said as she handed him an apple.

"Is he awake?". He knew grandfather hated waiting and abided to an early bedtime. His mother nodded, pointing to his room.

"Give him the apple. He's been eating all day, but claims he's starving." She smiled even though her comment seemed to hold irritation.

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