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-King's POV-

     I chuckled a little as I was watching the seven deadly sins get drunk together. Hawk was getting mad at Meliodas for harassing the princess, Elizabeth. This caused Ban to come over and flop onto the talking pig. "Calm down Master! He's just messing around hahah~" Ban says in a drunk tone. He then hiccups and barfs over him. Hawk squeals as he barfs and kicks him off his back. He cries off to Elizabeth who starts comforting him. 

     Gowther watches them all while gathering information about emotions. "Very interesting, people's relationship to each other is very confusing. I still don't understand it." He mutters out as he fixes his glasses. Escanor sweats at Gowther and looks at him. "C-C'mon, can you really not understand that we're all friends?" Escanor questioned. "No, not really," Gowther replied causing poor Escanor to anime fall. 

     I look at Diane who's sleeping peacefully. I smiled softly at my crush. "She's so cute..." I muttered softly and gently combed through her hair. I always wondered when I'd get enough confidence to tell her how I feel. I opened my mouth to say something. But my mouth closed as the people who were all awake still felt a magic presence. We looked around before a hole appeared below me and I fell. "KING!?" I heard my friends call out as I was falling. Ban tried to grab me but a shadow pushed him away. 

Soon...everything turned dark...





     I felt myself being carried. I groaned and scrunched up my face before slowly opening my eyes. My eyes adjusted to the light around me and settled upon black hair and golden eyes. I was so confused about where I am. I snapped out of my sleepiness and moved away from the stranger. My chastiefol soon went up to his neck. I glared at him a bit suspicious about who he was. He stared at me blankly while my chastiefol was still near his neck. 

     "Who are you and where am I?" I threatened him. The male slowly pushes my chastiefol away. But I moved it right back to his neck. He stays still and sighs softly. He slowly puts his hands up. "I found you in our forest and was going to take you to the church... you're a bit hurt.." He answers bluntly and points to my shoulder. I flinched and looked at it. "Probably from that fall," I muttered. I sighed and soon move my chastiefol away from his neck. "Fine... lead me to your church," I muttered. He nods his head and leads me towards a small church. 

     The male with black hair opens the door as I follow behind him. I was peacefully floating on my chastiefol. "Yuno!" I heard lots of children exclaim before clinging on to the male with black hair. I blinked and stared up at him. 'Yuno... huh..?' I thought. "Yuno, you came back from chopping wood- O-Oh my!" I heard a female voice. I perked up and looked over to see a woman of the cloth. She runs over to me and touches my shoulder. I hissed in pain as she touches it. "Let me take you to one of the beds to patch this up!" She says. I sighed softly and trust her.

     The woman of the cloth soon leads me to a room and makes me lie down. I winced slightly but soon relaxed in the soft bed. I closed my eyes as she uses... magic? How strange... I didn't think humans could use magic without having some sort of tool. She starts healing me and I felt my shoulder feeling warm from her healing. It felt strange as I stiffen up a bit. I flinched as she starts patting my head. "It's okay... we're not going to hurt you.." She says softly. I slowly calm down and relaxed a bit.

-Time Skip-

     It's been weeks since Yuno found me... I've been watching how the others acted. They were alright for being humans. A slight smile appeared on my face as I watched the children play around. I slowly put my hood up that had the helmet that Helbram gave him. "Hey Harlequin, I see that you're having fun." Helbram said as he sits down next to me. I chuckled a bit and rubs the back of my head. "Yeah... I guess I'm feeling a bit homesick as I spend more time with them. They act like the others so much.." I told him. 




"I wonder how this'll go..."





755 Words

Fairy King in Black CloverWhere stories live. Discover now