preparing the show

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everyone starts to gather around buster as he shows his idea for the musical

buster:good morning!!may i have everyone's attention please?on behalf of myself and the cast i just wanna say to be given the opportunity to work with you all here at the crystal tower theater.well,it's an honor for all of us.and i believe together we can make a show that'll take our audience out of this world.

he uncovers a 3d paper model of what the show will look like.

buster:and a big thanks to steve for staying up all night for working on this model.and here she is folks.the star of our show...rosita.

gunter:haha thats you baby.

rosita:the lead role?!

buster:trust me you are perfect for it.

everyone corgratulates rosita.

rosita:wait til my kids hear about this.

buster:so the story goes like this.rosita plays an astronaut searching for a missing space explorer.together with her trusty robot.

gunter:thats me.

buster:yes.they travel across 5 planets there's a planet of war,a planet of love,a planet of hope,one of despair and of joy.and each planet will have its own fantastic musical number performed by our own terrific cast.

rosita:and how does it end do i find the explorer.

gunter:oh we have no clue what were going to do at the end.

buster covers his mouth.

buster:but we do have really great ideas.alright we only got 3 weeks to make this a reality folks so lets get to work.hey lily mind if i talk to you for a sec.

lily:sure whats up buster.

buster:so this time your not gonna do stage work this time.

lily:then what am i gonna do.

buster:your gonna be performing.

lily:yes i cant wait!!!! thank you Mr moon.

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