1. Birmingham

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The streets of Birmingham were dirty and smelly. Smoke came lurking from every corner. As I walked further on the street I were just meet with more hard working men an pubs. I know how it works, the men work all day with hard physical jobs and then when their shifts end they go straight to the pub and drown there sorrow in whisky. The burning liquid make its way down your throat, and the more you drink the more you forget. And after 6-7 glasses you don't feel the pain anymore. Almost. Almost don't feel the pain of memories that are burned into your brain. The war, the suffering, your dead parents and that friend you lost in France, all gone.

Birmingham isn't a beauty, no longer at least. If you say you don't have heard stuff you lie. Everyone have heard about the gangs running the city. Almost everyone is afraid of them. But I haven't paid much attention, I'm just here to make a living. Earn some coins. Although the city is known for bad things, it's also famous for its derby. And as you may have guessed, the derby is were the fancy rich snobs go. They make it so easy, all Birmingham's money in one place. It's like they are begging me to rob them.

As you may have guessed, I don't really deal with legal stuff. I'm a pickpocket, have been for eight years now. I'm just a young 19-year old girl but quite talented if I may say so myself. I don't like to brag but I'm good. But like you may understand I can't go around like a women making this business. So I, Billie have became Billy. Not very original I know, but at least I'm not lying. Just mixing up the letters. Billy Knight, a 15-years old orphan.

So how did I end up as a pickpocket. I was orphaned at ten years old, I then got sent to a orphanage. I managed a year but not longer, that place were horrible. So I stole some boys clothes, cut my hair and escaped with my new identity. I wanted freedom, and I don't care if I live under a bridge as long as I'm free.

I made my way to the hotel I were staying at. I hadn't payed for a room, I just snuck in at night. The room were small with just a bed and a night table. On the wall hang a mirror and there were also a small bathroom. I climbed into the room using the window that stood open. The door were locked with the key I had stolen, luckily. I looked myself in the mirror as I were getting ready to go to the derby. I were wearing black pants and a grey sweater. My hair were light brown, it wasn't that short as it was before and now it were just above my shoulders. I always pinned my hair up and tucked it in under my grey cap. I pulled the poor lad look quite well actually, especially when my face were dirty. I didn't have a very feminine face, or I always thought so. The only thing I liked about myself were my blue eyes. My eyebrows were thick an bushy. My nose small and my lips small. My face were manly with a strong jawline. I could fool anyone.

Time jump

The racing track were very crowded. Fancy dressed people occupied the place. Women with big hats and men in shiny costumes walked around like they owned the place. I had snuck in back doors beside the stables were the horses stood. And now I were at the bar, outside were the white stands. At the round bar table sat a lonely man drinking whisky. He were wearing a dark blue coat and dark blue costume pants. His shoes were black and shiny and on his head rested a cap similar to mine only fancier and cleaner. He emptied the glass fast. And then I spotted the golden pocket watch that he now hold in his hand. I had find my first victim.

The watch were beautiful and probably very expensive. Just my taste I thought. I needed to have it. The man thanked the bartender and got up from his chair. I followed him. He went down the white stairs leading up to the stands. Well on the ground he continued to the stables. He then opened a large wooden door and I managed to slink in unnoticed before it looked behind us. I were close to my price now. I just had to grab the watch in his pocket and leave quietly. I placed my finger in his pocket as he stroke one of the horses on the nose. He were completely occupied and I used it to my advantage. I felt the cold gold watch in my hand. I smirked as I were about to look at my price but a strong hand grabbed my throat! Before I could think I were pinned up against the wall.

The man with the watch hade trapped me. He had a strong grep and it became hard to breath. Eventually he let go but he still had me pinned against the wall holding up my wrists to it. But now for the first time I got a good look at his face. He were angry, as I already figured. But apart from that I noticed how devilish handsome he was. He had a strong cheek bones, a perfect jawline, but most beautiful of all were his eyes. The were cold cold blue, the brightest blue I ever seen.

What the fuck do you want? He spoke angrily

I stayed silent

I asked you a question boy! He now shouted

The watch, I spoke

Now he stayed silent, but not for long

Yeah, I noticed that

Good for you, now can you let go of me

Do you really think that I would let you go

Now I was angry, I didn't care that he was good looking anymore. So I did the only right thing to do. I got loss from his tight grip and punched him in his face. And judging by his reaction it had hurt. As he faced me again I could se his lips and nose bleeding and he had noticed it to. He touched his lip with his finger, only to be meet by blood. But that wasn't the only thing I saw. I saw a furious man. So now I did the only logical thing to do, I ran!

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