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Approximately 2 years later... September 1991


"Oh, God, Kurt," I moaned as he pressed my body against the wall with his own. Our discarded clothes littered the floor.
"Kelsi," he breathed in my ear before his lips found mine again. I kissed him desperately as his hands grasped mine and pressed them high above my head. I was painfully aware of every place our bodies were touching. Kurt moved his lips from mine and kissed his way down my neck. Oh, how I wanted him... I needed him...

"Fuck!" I tossed my body over, untangling myself from my comforter. I pressed my eyes shut. How many times could I have this same dream? It had been over two years since I'd been with Kurt. We'd barely been anything, anyway. So why couldn't I get him out of my dreams?
The truth was, I hadn't seriously dated anyone since Kurt. Oh, there'd been plenty of drunken one night stands. But none of them meant anything. None of them compared to him.
After he'd dismissed me at Krist and Shelli's that night, I'd never seen him again. I'd thrown myself into my work. I moved to Seattle, where I still currently lived, and wrote my heart out for The Rocket. I'd managed to dodge any Nirvana assignments without much effort. But I had interviewed plenty of other Seattle bands, and I loved my job more than anything.

I climbed from the warmth of my bed and stumbled to my kitchen. I would have to get moving and go by the office sooner or later. I switched on my coffee pot. Letting out a yawn, I grabbed my remote control from the island counter and switched on my TV in the living room.
There he was. My jaw dropped. No. Fucking. Way. Kurt was on my television. So was Krist. The drummer was some kid I didn't recognize. It was a music video. The song was really catchy, I realized, as I slowly picked my jaw up from the floor. Holy shit, he'd done it. He'd really fucking made it. He was famous. And he looked even better than I remembered. I felt an all too familiar ache in my heart. I promptly switched the television channel.
My coffee was finished and I shakily poured myself a cup. Seeing Kurt had definitely caught me off guard. I felt a million emotions stirring within me. If only things hadn't ended the way they had. If only I'd had the chance to tell him I loved him.

I jumped a mile when my phone rang. I groaned, wondering who could be calling.
"Kelsi! Hi!" It was Bob, my boss at The Rocket.
"What's up, Bob?" I loved how casual our relationship was.
"Not too much, Kels. How are you doing this morning?"
"Not bad. Just having my coffee and then I'll be in."
"Well I have got great news for you. I have a very cool assignment I want to put you on."
"Okay," I answered. I was always up for the cool assignments I got at my job.
"Well, this is a big one. I'd be asking you to actually go on tour with a band and report on all of it. Sort of an inside scoop on what it's like touring." That sounded like tons of fun! I was excited!
"That sounds amazing, Bob! Who's the band?"
"You've probably heard of them, but they just released a single called "Smells Like Teen Spirit" that is just blowing up. They're called Nirvana." And just like that, I felt like I'd been slapped in the face.
"Ni—Nirvana?" I stammered. "And I'd be on the road with them... like, with the band?" I gulped.
"Absolutely, you'll be spending as much time with the band as possible. We're really going for a behind the scenes angle. I'm sending a photographer with you too. Her name is Tiffany Welsh."
"I... umm... it sounds like a great opportunity, I'm just not sure that I can do it..."
"I want you on this assignment, Kels. I need someone good."
"I'm not sure that I can do it," I repeated.
"If you want your job you'll do it." And Bob hung up on me. We knew one another well enough to know he wasn't serious. But he also knew I'd cave and take the assignment.
But how on earth was I going to do that? How the hell could I go on tour with Kurt and be expected to interview him all the while? I was pretty sure he hated me. Things were definitely about to get interesting...

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