chapter two

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belly walked into the party and went to look for the bathroom right away . she was thankful she didn't run into any of her friends on the way because she knew they would be curious . "hey do you know where the bathroom is?" the random pointed the direction . "thank you."

"hey belly ." it was maddy . "oh my god ! are you okay what happened?" belly sighed "do i look that bad ?" which caused maddy to slightly smile . "no you look beautiful . let me help you clean up the smeared mascara though ." she licked her thumb and rubbed gently under belly's eye to removed the mascara cry stains .

"it's okay mads . you can use the bathroom . don't worry about me " maddy laughed "i would if i could . guess who's taking a shit in there?" belly laughed "who." "nate." belly made a shocked face . "ew . you want to find a different bathroom with me ?" maddy said nodded no "i want to wait for nate to come out . come find me before the countdown !"

belly walked into different rooms trying to find the bathroom which were unsuccessful . she walked in on two couples fucking which at that point . didn't even faze her . she walked into the laundry room on a boy snorting . "oh my gosh i'm so sorry." she meant to close the door but she just couldn't take her eyes off of him .

"hey ! yeah sorry . i was just fixing the washing machine ." belly wasn't dumb "on new year's eve ? at a party ?" he laughed . "right . yeah ." the two stared at each other . "is it okay if i join you ?" he looked belly up and down . "sure."

"you want some ?" he asked . "of what ?" belly was genuinely confused . "oh no i'm okay thank you ." she quickly added "how is your new years so far ." she looked at him . in a non creepy she was mesmerized by him . "it just got better ."

"so do you go to east highland ?" he asked trying to break the ice . "yeah i do . are you new ?" he nodded "well i can introduce you to my friends . i think one of them you will get along with ." he smiled . "so are you on anything right now ?" belly shot him a confused look and quickly remembered that he is referring to
drugs . "no i'm not . i have actually never tried ." his faced turned into a surprise face which confused belly .

"that's refreshing . meeting someone who's innocent . drug free ." he was genuinely impressed "i like that ." belly didn't know what to say and didn't know if that was a good or bad thing . "so what's your name ?" she asked the boy . for some reason she felt shy around him "im elliot." he raised his eyebrows waiting for a response . "im isabelle . but you can call me belly ." she quickly wish she never said that "i mean you can call me either but my friends call me belly ."

elliot knew she was nervous around him . and he liked it .

"so belly . want to get something to drink?" he asked standing up and sticking his hand out . "yeah sure" she said grabbing his hand gently . he pulled her up and the two walked out of the wash room .

the two walked passed fez which belly didn't even notice but fez noticed her .

fez wasn't sure if he should be happy or upset . some guy that he has no idea of is talking to his belly . although he never liked her in that way . he didn't like the idea of anyone else liking her that way .

"here ." elliot poured belly a drink . "oh i'm sorry . i don't drink ." he smirked . "no i know . i mean i kind of figured since you don't do drugs . it's just coke ." belly looked into the cup and then up to him . "oh well thanks . you want to go outside ?" he nodded .

they ran into rue . and although belly was mad at her for what happened tonight . she couldn't stay mad at rue . she loved her . "oh elliot this was my friend i was talking about ." she introduced the two "elliot rue and rue elliot." the girl simply smiled . they sat in-front of the fire laughing . "i'll be right back . i didn't say hi to the girls ."

belly walked inside the house . and spotted kat and ethan . "hey guys ! happy new years" she smiled cheekily "happy new years bel ! we saw you with your little boyfriend ." ethan teased . "oh my gosh stop ! i think i'm going to head out soon i just wanted to say happy new years and i love you guys !"

she tried to look for her other friends but she ended up running into ash . "hey let's go ." he grabbed belly's hand pulling her to the car . "did you see rue ?" she nodded "she was by the fire ." ash nodded "i'll be right back we're going to go soon ." he left before she could say anything . all she could think about was elliot . hopefully rue got his number or something .

rue and ash ended up hopping into the car . "where's fez?" ash looked at the two girls "he's handling something right now ." belly was debating on asking if it was okay to get out really quick . "is it okay if i go find my friend really quick ?" ash sighed "not a good idea bels we cant wait on you . we gotta be out of her asap ." she fidgeted with her fingers "i can always find a ride home ." she was hopping he would let her .

funny she was asking a pre teen permission to get out of the car . "no bels . just stay here . and what for what do you need your friend for that it can't wait till tomorrow or another day ?" belly sighed "because i didn't get his number ." ash eyebrows furrowed . "he?" belly tried to hide her smile . "yeah i met him tonight"

secretly ash wanted fez and belly to be together . he wanted belly to officially be apart of there family . he loved her like a sister and he truly thought they would be a good couple . and ash was disappointed that fez didn't his chance when it was right in front of him.

fez hopped into the car quickly and drove off . "are you okay fez ? what happened ?" he ignored her . "you wanna sleepover tonight belly ? i know your parents aren't home . i feel bad for tonight ." belly looked at rue who was already asleep . "yeah . sounds good ."

when they got back at fez apartment . she woke up rue which is the hardest thing to do especially when she is high . they all walked inside the house . "you need clothes to borrow ?" all fez received was a simple mhm from her . they were all so tired .

she hopped into the shower . scrubbing her body off of the horribly fun night . after she was finished she saw fez laid out clothes for her . she threw the sweatpants and hoodie on which was her favorite set to borrow . it was so comfy and smelt like him .

belly combed her hair out and walked into the kitchen to see fez and ash eating . and she walked into the living room to make sure rue was okay . "you hungry ?" she nodded no "come on bels . you need to eat . i made you a sandwich ." ash said as he passed the sandwich onto the empty side of the table . the three ate in silence .

whenever belly slept over she always slept with fez . she enjoyed it . she felt safe around him . probably the safest . she liked when he rubbed her back to sleep or held her . but she had to remember . she was just a little sister to him .

the two laid in the bed . this time fez didn't rub her back, talk to her, or even hold her . all she got was a "goodnight belly ."

"night fez."

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