Chapter 4- The Final Days

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Two weeks went by and things seemed as though they were going back to normal. Everyone in town went about their normal business. Uncle Sarge and Uncle Fillmore started arguing over their music at stupid o'clock every morning again. Mater continued to go tractor tipping. I kept on practising my racing with Lightning and going around town to help everyone out and try to make them smile.

The only one who had really changed was Uncle Doc. I wasn't surprised that he didn't join Lightning and me for racing anymore. He was too slow and tired. The other thing he was doing was a surprise, though. He would come over to each of our homes/businesses and spend more time with all of us. Nobody besides me seemed to think that was odd and I didn't either when Papà explained to me why none of them felt that way.

"Doc has been through a lot", he told me. "He just wants to be with the people he cares about now and appreciate the fact that he is out of the hospital."

That made sense to me. "Oh. Okay."

So, it came as no surprise to me when Uncle Doc came over late one Wednesday night while I was getting ready for bed and parked by my bedside.

"You doin' anythin' tomorrow, kiddo?" he asked me.

"Not really. Why?"

"How'd you like to go to the city tomorrow? Just you and me?"

"That sounds fun!" I declared. I actually had mixed feelings about the city. I was in awe of all the tall buildings, the excitement at many possible things to do and the bright lights if we were there at night. Although, on the other hand, the crowds of people, the loud noises and the sheer size of the city made me feel nervous. "What are we gonna do?"

"Well, I got a surprise for you in the afternoon, but in the morning, we'll do whatever you want. Sound good?"

I grinned. "Okay!"

"So, you get some sleep, all right? We got a big day tomorrow."

"Okay. Good night, Uncle Doc."

"Night, Fudge. I love you."

"Love you too."

Uncle Doc and I left Radiator Springs right after breakfast to begin the long drive to Velo City.

"So, Fudge", Uncle Doc began, "have you decided what you wanna do?"

I'd been thinking about it all night, so I knew exactly what I wanted to do. "There's a new movie out I really wanna see!"

"Yeah? What movie?"

"Despicable Me."

"Is that the one you've seen advertised on TV? With those weird yellow creatures?"

"Minions! Yeah!"

"We can do that. I just gotta remember where the movie theatre is."


Luckily, it didn't take Uncle Doc long to remember where the movie theatre was and it definitely wasn't long before we were sat inside with lots of popcorn and candy. Normally, Uncle Doc would veto the candy, telling me that I'd just had breakfast or that there was too much sugar in it, but that day, he didn't.

"Why not? After all, it's a special day", were his exact words.

So, I loaded up on popcorn, soda, M&Ms and Twizzlers before making my way into the theatre with Uncle Doc.

I thought the movie was great! There were several parts that made me laugh and because the movie contained orphans who got adopted, it reminded me of my own story.

I think Uncle Doc was thinking the same thing because when the movie was over and the lights came on, he gave me a big hug.

"You're Radiator Springs's little kitten", he informed me. "You know that?"

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