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     It was a full moon, she had noticed earlier on the walk before the running began, before she noticed the shadows tailing her. The moon illuminated her path in the woods, it was all she was grateful for. There wasn't much too be grateful for these days. She continued running, her bare feet beating down on the unforgiving forest floor, her lungs burning in protest. She had no idea where she was running to but she kept on running, knowing what she was running from, the Takers, fear propelling her movements.

Branches scratched and slapped at her, she didn't give a moments thought to the pain, adrenaline pumping in her blood. Dressed in a simple t-shirt, jeans and no shoes, she was at the mercy of the forest and the unforgiving elements. She glanced back to see if her pursuers were still hot on her heels. The looking-back was a mistake, her legs tangled in a root, she fell forward.

   Her face and arms were welcomed by the sharp roots and twigs that decorated the forest floor. She lay there for a moment, motionless, the quick rush she had from adrenaline had deserted her. Then she struggled, pulling herself up on willpower alone. As she rose to her feet, something hard and heavy came down on the base of her skull, she fell back on the floor, dark spots dancing in the line of her vision, yet she struggled to rise again.

   The unforgiving object came back down hard against her skull. She fell into a confusing darkness, her last conscious words being, "Can't let him have it"

   One of the shadows standing beside her commented, "Lucky number five, the last one, our work here is done".
   The second replied, "Finally, the Princes will release us from this debt".

   "We will deliver this one then we celebrate our freedom at Lilith's tonight, I'm paying for the first round of drinks". The first shadow says as he drapes her unconscious body and follows his chattering  partner into the darkness.

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