New Beginnings

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The title sequence played as the various positions and pictures of the season showed. Then it focused on the green haired boy with freckles. (I'm trying my best to remember episode one=~=)
He was walking through the town as he saw a big crowd and multiple loud murmurs. He pushed through the crowd, to see a fight between a villain with a shark(?) Head and some dude(=~=).
He pulled his notebook out and started scribbling some stuff down on a page when suddenly a giant lady appeared out of nowhere, also known as Mount Lady. Foot met head as she kicked him in the face, one swift movement. A guy next to the boy said something. The green haired boy or Izuku Midoriya, didn't hear and instead focused on the fight and continued scribbling notes down.
[Didn't edit this at all because whateverrr]

{still didn't edit that cutely teehee}

"Somethings missing." A collective amount of groans could be heard through-out the people there, even from the 'bubbly' broccoli head. The most time they'd have gotten was 24 seconds of screen play. A half scoff-laugh could be heard from the seat beside him. Eijirou was sure the show would turn out amazing though.

A swift glance to the blonde next to him was all he gave. Spiked but interestingly soft looking hair, pale skin with almost transparent specks of freckles on his nose, ripe tomato red as an eye color orange specks reminding him of fall leaves. Katsuki is what Eijirou remembered his name to be. He wonders what his name means, he'll find out when he gets home.

"This is ridiculous." A voice spoke up, deep and rough, but smooth in this context.
"What?" He said in return, Eijirou knew what but decided to play the dumb puppy, why not play what everyone thinks you are?
"The director can't make up his mind.. It's amusing." A hint of playfulness could be found in his smooth voice, which was weird to notice, but putting that side for now.
"Oh. Yeah, even broccoli head is annoyed." He joked, earning a light chuckle and grin. "It's gonna turn out good though, I can tell." They succumbed to silence after that, Eijirou was too tired to continue a conversation, and the look the blonde gave him discouraged him a little. 

The day ended, the director sending everyone home, Eijirou was the first out the door. Ashido caught up to him though, to his belittled dismay. 

"Eijirou!" She yelled, he couldn't just ignore her, so he turned around with a meaningless smile.
"Yeah, Ashido?" He spoke her name with a little venom, but that went unnoticed and obviously ignored, with a blissful nod.

"Did you get that Katsuki guys number?" Odd question, but intriguing nonetheless.

"No.. Why?"

"Oh. He just seemed cool, wanted to get his number-" The faint blush that spread across her cheeks definitely didn't go unnoticed. She found him attractive, oddly enough; he couldn't blame her, but his gaydar wouldn't stop going off.

"Well, he's right over there, go ask." Eijirou, now tired of the shenanigans, turned around and almost ran his way home. Excited to get to his computer and search up the meaning of that name, he almost broke his door handle. 

Dropping his jacket with a random frenzy he pops his laptop open and gets on google. "What does.. The.. Name... Katsuki mean..?" He habitually mumbled aloud while typing in the words. What comes up doesn't surprise but also makes him sit there in quiet shock. 


The next day, they had almost gotten 2 minutes of screen play. Bakugou was the newly introduced character, played by, none other than Katsuki. Eijirous and Katsukis 'directors chairs' were close to each other, meaning, Ashido was pestering his ass on getting his number, seeing as she was 'all the way across the room'. Tired of it, he succumbed into her needs, as of recently, he hadn't been himself and he felt slightly bad for the people who had to experience him. Especially Katsuki, whose name meant moon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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