Unconditional Love

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feel dizzy as I take the last few sips of my drink,

Why am I doing this? I’m only sixteen.

The last two years weren’t the best for me, I’ve finally got out of my habit of drinking but still unsure if it will return. What I’ve been doing to distract myself is painting, I find it really calming and takes me away from those unusual thoughts. I’m currently working on a big painting that will most likely take a few months to complete, I’ve made a few new friends too, which honestly surprises me as I’m the most antisocial person you’d ever meet. Their names are Cora, Alex and Mya. I find them a little bit intimidating but honestly that doesn’t shock me at all, I find everyone intimidating.

In a few weeks I have to go back to school which I’m not very enthusiastic about, I’m only really looking forward to seeing my friends, I guess. I eventually give up on my painting for the day and lie on my bed in a pool of my own misery, I grab my earphones from the drawer next to me and plug them into my phone. I press play on my five-hour long playlist, I hum the tune of the song while thinking of what it’ll be like once school starts again after the holidays. It can’t be that bad, could it?

3 weeks later

Today is finally the day I’ve been dreading for a while, the day I have to go back to school. I make myself up a simple sandwich with the most random toppings as I grabbed the first three

things my eyes landed on in the fridge, I chuck it into my lunchbox without even caring, Because I don’t. I get changed into my favourite knitted sweater and a baggy pair of jeans. I grab my earphones, put on my converse shoes, and begin my long walk to school. I haven’t introduced myself yet so let me do that now, hello, my name is Katherine, Katherine Barlowe. I’m originally from Canada but me and my grandparents moved to California after my parents passed from suicide, which is a long story and I’ll get to that later. I am sixteen years old and never have any motivation, yes that information was very necessary, and you definitely needed to know that.

At school

I walk into the school gates already feeling tempted to just turn around and go home, but I have no choice but to stay in this clan of idiots for an entire 6 hours. As I walk up to my locker trying to avoid any communication with anyone, some boy about my age comes up to me, he puts out his hand and introduces himself, “Hey! I’m Dylan, do you happen to know where the Art Room is?” His hand is still out, and I hesitate whether I should shake it or not, He looks awkward, so I just decide to shake it and answer his question. “Uh hi, yes its in the hallway on the left, room seven.” I give him a faint smile, he smiles back and responds with “Thank you, would you mind telling me your name?” I try to speak but it ends

up sounding not very understandable, I inhale and try again. “Katherine, Katherine Barlowe.” He looks at me and says, “You have a very pretty name.” And then he walks away. What just happened?

10 minutes later

I’m in English class and my phone goes off while its silent, “oh my god shut up.” I whisper to my phone, the class begins to laugh, quietly, but just enough for me to hear. I haven’t seen Mya, Alex or Cora here today I’m starting to think they’re not here today, or they just don’t exist.

The bell rings, I pack up my things, leave the classroom, and find an empty bench that I can check my socials on. “Instagram has 5 notifications?” “That’s shocking.” I click on the app and open my inbox, Dylan Adler added me? He liked all my posts, what a creep. If I’m being honest, I thought he was a nice guy. Hopefully he just wanted to know more stuff about me and not to completely stalk me and invade my privacy, Okay I’m overreacting he just wanted to check out my page to see what my personality is like, “Understandable.” I say to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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