Chapter 1

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Dursely's House)

It all began when he was seven years old. In this very house, he lived in which belonged to none other than the Dursely's his relatives. His uncle Vernon who like a Walrus, while his Aunt Petunia to him was a Horse. And his Cousin who is sort of like a pig named Dudley.

His relatives are very mean to him, they abuse him, calling him a freak. They would make him do everything for him in this house, such as: Cleaning, Cooking, doing the laundry and gardening as if he was their servant. Whenever he did wrong or tried to show up on their "Dudders" they would punish him even for the littlest things such as he drops a plate, or knocks over a vase some times even his cousin would blame him for something he never did. They would starve him and not let him even use their own bathroom they gave him a bucket to use. As for a bedroom? He was never given one, why? Because they gave him a Cupboard to sleep in, a small cramped up Cupboard under the stairs which would be his bedroom.

Even in his first school he seemed to be doing better than his own cousin. Much to the anger of his Aunt and Uncle who did not like that one bit. They didn't like seeing the freak become better than their own non-freakish son.

Who's the kid we are talking about here? His name is Harry Potter.

He was left on the doorstep of the Dursely's when he was just a baby.

And throughout his whole 7 years growing up he was cared little by his relatives who hated him, abused him and took advantage of him.

Now what is our young boy doing now?

He is running frantically in a corner trying to run from an enraged Vernon.

Now why was that? Harry didn't do anything to upset Vernon however? You see Vernon was passed over for a promotion at his job in which he never got. And now that he came home full of anger he decided to vent his anger at his nephew ( The Freak) the fat man literally began beating his nephew to a bloody pulp, Harry's ribs were at least cracked or fractured if not outright broken and he wouldn't discard the possibility of internal bleeding, his nose had been broken.

"TAKE THIS YOU FREAK!" Vernon snarled as he kept punching Harry down.

Petunia who was watching this flinched slightly. This was a bit too much, she wanted to go and stop him before he actually kills her nephew but she didn't want to risk Vernon to accidentally hit her.

Harry unable to take it anymore raised his arms up shielding himself from Vernon, he wished he could leave here, he didn't want to be around his horrible Relatives any longer. He wished he could vanish away and never come back here.

A white light had erected in the house as it blinded Vernon and his wife. The light flashed and then died down as they looked to where Harry Potter was only to find him gone.

Harry had unknowingly used accidental magic to escape his punishment or leave this world permanently.

( Eostia Dark Fortress)

There at the Dark Fortress that belonged to the Dark Elves, Olga Discordia along with her Dark Elven Maidens: Chloe, Miria, Echidna, Grace Campbell, Delva Celebrían, Evelyn Celebrían, Misery Stentrem and Elda Ballad. All-female Dark Elves with Olga Discordia as Queen.

Olga Discordia is the Queen of them. She has recruited them all to join her kingdom and empire, their dark elven race is close to extinction. And have been fighting a long harsh war against the high elves and humans.

As for her court. Her first recruit and loyal bodyguard and assassin was Chloe the half dark elf, abandoned by her parents and was sold into slavery. Yet escaped her slave life with Olga taking her in.

Miria another dark elf who is the interrogator in the court of Olga she was recruited for her services by Olga.

Echidna the mercenary dark elf and assassin like Chloe joined Olga's ranks in the kingdom she is a snake charmer.

Grace Campbell the Hand Maiden and not the warrior type, she does the cooking and cleaning for Olga and the rest in the court.

Delva Celebrían. Olga's dark elven general of her forces, she along with her comrades: Evelyn Celebrían her little sister who is the lieutenant along with Misery Stentrem the sorceress and Elda Ballad who is the soldier. They are dark elves having lost the war and against high elves and joined up with Olga Discordia serving the dark elven kingdom.

They are currently having a discussion on how to win the war against the humans and High Elves including the shield Maiden Alliance.

But their conversation were interrupted when w white Vortex made itself known in the throne room.

The dark elves looked alarmed and drawn their weapons. Olga held her scepter wanting to see what was coming, what it a enemy attack?

Flying out of the vortex was human boy who landed right to the feet of Olga's throne.

The vortex closed after that. Olga and her dark elves processed what came before them. A human child? In a bad condition? What's a human child doing here?

Olga raised from her throne and walked towards the child getting a good look at him.

He seems to be unconscious. Black mess of hair, a lightning bolt like scar on his forehead along with all these injuries.

It made her confused. While she doesn't care for humans this one made her have rare concern. Who did this to the boy before her and her court?

"It's a human little boy Olga-sama." Says Chloe who looks at the unconscious little boy.

Olga was fixated on the boy, she sensed magic within the boy. As she put her hand on his forehead she felt darkness within this scar. She decided to look into his memories. Using a spell to look into his mind.

As she watched the boy along with his parents who go by the names James Potter and Lily Potter. This boy's name is Harry Potter.

She then looked at what befallen to his parents who fell at this Dark Lord named Voldemort. They used a killing curse upon both his parents and attempt to kill Harry as well who was a baby at the time. Only for the boy to survive. Which amazed Olga in some way.

She continued to watch as other wizards took the young boy to his other relatives which made her blood boil at the sight of his growing up there. Seeing what his life was like there made her angry. Lazy and fat! All three of them! Forcing the child to do labor of chores at such a young age! Made him sleep in a cupboard, getting harsh punishments for something he did by accident or getting blamed for it by his pig of a cousin! But what truly upset Olga was the harsh beating she is now witnessing then saw magic appear on the boy seeing that he unknowingly used his magic to escape and that it sent him here by accident.

Having left the memory she glanced at him.

"Olga-sama?" Chloe asks

Olga raised her hand over the boy and used a healing charm to heal all of his injuries which surprised her court that she was healing a human.

"Echidna." Olga says with the snake loving dark elf stood in attention.

"Yes my Queen?" She asks

"Take the boy to a room and guard him. Grace you prepare him a bath and a meal. He is staying with us." She commanded much to the shock of her court around her who looked surprised at such a command.

"Well don't just stand there. Do it!" Olga demanded as Echidna went to pick up the child and take him to a room.

"And inform me if he wakes up!" She shouted seeing her leave as Grace Campbell went to go prepare a hot bath and meal for the boy.

"Olga-sama?" Chloe spoke out again confused and surprised by all of this. A human is staying in their castle?

"The Boy Harry Potter will be living with us. Any objections?" Olga says looking at her court who exchanged looks at one another and then shook their heads.

"Good. He will be treated as a special guest here and he will be the only human we can accept in this castle." Olga world say returning to her throne while the other dark elves were so stunned at what they were hearing. What did their Queen see in this human boy named Harry Potter?

To be continued

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