class 1a last moments

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Chapter 3

As i was worried about it i carried on to go teach my class. As i was teaching uraka put her hand up and i let her speak then she said that i didnt look like myself and i looked more tired than usual. I just played off like it was nothing for them to worry about. Immediatly the rest of the class started to speak up and said that its ok that i should get some sleep because it looked like i havent slept in days. I finally agreed with them and i let them talk abit till the bell go for them to go. I sat on the floor and slowly fell asleep. While i was asleep i started to dream but it wasnt a normal one it was so vivid i thought i was actually there. It was about my class in battling one for all for one, they tried so hard but slowly one by one they all lots their quirk. Some how not medoria. All of them faught so hard without their quirks, they tried so hard to fight him. I tired to protect them but they all got murdered in horrific ways uraka got crushed to death. Iida got limps pulled off, bakugo and kirishima got their head crushed. As i see the blood splatter every were and i see there body not able to move. I tried to get abulances there as quick as posible and some didnt get here quick enough so me and present mic and the rest of the other heros tried to get them to the hospital quickly enough. But most of them died in my arms and the rest died in the hospital. Bakugo and kirishima hugged at their last moment before theh got their skulls crushed, todoroki and yayarouzu kissed at there last moment before they got crushed. In that moment i woke up in a massive panic and my whole class was around me looking worried. They all started to question me, one of them even got my husband they were thag worried. Aplarently no matter how hard they tired they couldnt wake me up from my nightmare. Somehow they could tell while i was asleep that i was having a nightmare. I tried to tell them that i was ok and i wasnt having a nightmare, tried to lie about it. They didnt belive me. However, they belived a lie that i made up of the nightmare was about i was getting chased by someone and i had no one was there to help me. I got up and let them go to their dorms. In the first second they left we heard class shattering we stood still for a minute. Then we went to investergate it but as we did, we opend the door without hesitation but it turned out to be all might dropping his cup of tea or coffee but i know for sure it wasnt alchol or anything like that. Then suddenly we hear footsteps but it sounded like more than one person but then we thought it might be other students leaving their classrooms. Now we were debating who it was walking. Was it students? Other teachers? Who is walking down this hallway!??

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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