Part 1

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Sam rushes out of her classroom and bumps into her girlfriend, Luna.

Luna: "Oh, sorry Sam!"

Sam: "No, no that was my fault!"

Luna: "What are you in such a hurry for?"

Sam: "After school I have something really important I need to do!"

Luna: " like what?"

Sam: "It's a surprise!"


Luna: "looks like class is starting, catch ya later Sam!"

Luna gives Sam a quick kiss on the cheek and runs off.

Luna: "I love you!"

Sam: "Love you too!"

Sam runs through the now empty hall, over to her last period class.

The last period class seemed like it lasted forever. When it was finally over, Sam left without even saying goodbye to Luna, who was waiting for her in the hall. Eventually the halls we're empty.

Luna decided to leave, seeing that Sam wasn't coming.

Luna runs outside to see that her mom was already there to pick her up. She runs over to the car and gets in.

Lola: "Ugh, Luna what took you so long!? You made me wait in this hot, smelly car!"

Luna: "Oops, sorry Lols."

Back at the Loud House

Luna goes up to her room and looks at her phone.

Luna *thinking* A new post from....Sam? wasn't she busy today?

Luna checks to see what the post is. It's a picture of Sam with some other girl, that looks about her age. She reads the caption and she cannot believe her eyes. "Met someone new, today!"

Luna rubs her eyes just to make sure her eyes just aren't playing tricks on her. She reads the caption again. "Met someone new, today!"

Luna: " WHAT?! "

Luan walks into the room and sees Luna face down on her bed.

Luan: "Luna, what's wrong?"

Luna: *mumbles*

Luan: " what?"

Luna lifts her head up.

Luna: " I said ' I think Sam's cheating on me.'

Luan: " What? Where's the proof?!"

Luna holds up her phone, revealing the post.

Luan: *gasp* "SIBLING MEETING!"

All their siblings run to the room. (except Lori because she's in college)

Lincoln: "What is it, Luan?"

Luan: "It looks like Sam is cheating on Luna!"

Lynn: "Relationship Advice? Maybe we should call Lori."

Luna sits on her bed, pretending to listen to what her siblings are saying. Next thing she knows, Leni's dialing Lori's number.

Luna: "Guys, you don't have to do this..."

Lana: "Of course we do!"

Lola: "Yeah she's hanging out with another girl when she could be hanging out with you!"

Luan: " I wouldn't call it 'hanging out' if she's cheating!"

Just then Lori picks up the phone.

Lori "Hey guys! What's up?"

The siblings start to all talk at once and Lori can't wrap her head around what any of them are saying.

Lori: " Ok ok guys stop! One at a time!"

Luan: "Sam's cheating on Luna!"

Luna: "I said she might be...I'm not sure... it was just one little post and-"

Lori: "what post?"

Luna holds up her phone to the camera.

Lori: "'Met someone new, today!'?   Well, she mightve just met a new friend."

Lynn: "Maybe you should go to her house."

Lola: " Yeah! Spy on her!"

Luna: " No, guys I'm not gonna spy on her, that's creepy, and plus what if she sees me."

Lucy: " She won't see you."

Lana: " Yeah it's called camoflage!"

Lucy: " I can make you blend right in with the me..."

Luna: "I don't know about this guys..."

Lincoln: "come on Luna it's not that hard! Clyde and I have spied on people before..."

Luna: " you've also been CAUGHT before too."

Lincoln: " I- hmm..."

Luna: "look guys I appreciate the offer, but I'm just not in the mood right now.

Lori: "I totally understand, Luna. If you ever need advice, you know who to call. Bye guys!"

Lori hangs up the phone, and the siblings leave the room.

Luna: *sigh*

She looks back at her phone and forces a smile.

Luna: "maybe I'm overreacting...maybe it is just a new friend, and that's it..."

"Dinners ready! Come and get it!"
Luna hears her dad yelling from the bottom of the staircase. She slowly makes her way out of bed.

CHEATER (A Luna X Sam Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ