Out Of This World | Sebastian's 39th Birthday

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A/N: I'm reorganising my old one shot book so this is a repost

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A/N: I'm reorganising my old one shot book so this is a repost. Because I obviously couldn't not do this in celebration of his 39th birthday, I present a cute birthday one shot featuring space puns and chocolate cake. The nose scrunch, space boy Seb GIF felt appropriate. I hope you enjoy! :)


"No, Seb wait! Don't come in yet!" You yelled from the bedroom, rushing over to the door he had already opened halfway and closing it in his face.

"Seriously, sweetheart? I'm gonna be late, I need to grab my wallet and headphones."

"I'll bring them out to you, hang on."

You spotted what he needed on his bedside table and took them out to the hallway. An innocent smile formed on your lips as you see him standing there with a grumpy look on his face.

"Anyone would think you're about to turn 50 not 39 with the face you're pulling right now." You laughed, handing his stuff over.

"Okay short stuff, pack it in." He chuckled as his lips grazed against yours in a quick kiss before he headed to the door.

"I love you!" You called after him as pulled on his denim jacket.

"I love you too, see you tonight!" And then he was gone and you could get back to planning his surprise in peace.

The rest of your day was spent in the kitchen, making your famous chocolate cake. On the first birthday you spent with Sebastian, you'd only been seeing each other for a couple of months and weren't sure on what to get him. But you knew he loved chocolate cake and you also knew how to make a pretty good one, so that was your first present to him and every year since it had been his one request.

You heard the door click closed just as you'd piped the last swirl of chocolate frosting on the cake and Sebastian appeared in the kitchen with a devilish grin on his face.

"Is there any left?"

"Hello to you too." You giggled, leaning back to kiss him as he came up behind you, his hands instantly finding your waist. You held the piping bag up to him, knowing that was what he was really after, and squeezed some frosting out onto his finger before he brought it to his lips and sucked it off, his eyes never leaving yours as he did so.

"Can I go in the bedroom or is it still out of bounds?" He asked, spinning you around so your back was against the counter.

"You can go in there now." You smiled, propping yourself up onto your toes to press your lips to his in a soft kiss. He deepened the kiss a little, pressing his tongue past your lips and you could taste his walk-home coffee mixed with the frosting. Sweet and bitter.

Once you broke apart, you watched as Sebastian padded across the apartment to your bedroom and then turned back to the cake, inspecting your handy work. He paused by the door and sighed when he saw he'd lost your attention.

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