Chapter One: Izuku

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It was 5:43 am. Somewhere deep in the forest was a boy lying in his tent on a sleeping bag. The young boy who was asleep was named Izuku Midoriya. He wore a grey flannel jacket, blue jeans, and red boots.

The birds were singing, the sun was shining through, and the weather had a cool breeze. It was a peaceful morning in the forest.

Until Izuku started to twitch and mumble in his sleep. He was having a nightmare. His memories started to reply in his dream. Flashes of him mutilating and killing people flooded his head.

Their words echoed in his head. "Please leave me alone!" "Get away from me!" "Monster!" "God make it stop!" "Let me live!" "Izuku."

Opening his eyes, Izuku jumps up to his feet, sweating and panting he looks around for any threats. Looking all around him he sees no one. Sitting back down on his sleeping bag he rubs his face.

He had dark circles under his eyes, most likely due to a lack of sleep. Finally calming down, he gets up and walks out of his tent and down a path. The path he took led him to a flowing river.

Once close enough, he got down on one knee and put his hands in the ice-cold water. He then scooped up what he could and threw it on his face. "Ugh." He grunted.

Now fully awake he scoops more water but this time drinks it. After drinking what he could scoop up, he was going to go for more until his nose picked up a sent.

Looking at the bushes straight ahead of him. He stands up unsure of this encounter. But then four wolves emerged from the bush. They all looked at Izuku.

They stared at each other for a moment. No words were spoken, but an understanding was met. Izuku knelt back down and continued drinking water as the wolves approached the river and did the same.

Once satisfied, Izuku got up and walked through the forest leaving the wolves behind. As he continued his walk he passed a tree with six claw marks on it.

He finally makes it to his destination. A bush with berries all over. He plucks hand fulls and put them in his pockets to eat later. After getting a good amount, he makes his way back to his tent.

On his way back he looks up to the sky and doesn't see a single bird. "Mmmm." Something was going to happen. Shaking his head he continues walking.

Now at his campsite, he enters his tent. Inside his tent, he had a couple of canned goods and old empty cans around as well as a few articles of clothing and his sleeping bag.

Most of his things were from campers who forgot some of their belongings and some were stolen from hunters who killed animals for sport.

Setting that aside. Izuku sat down and grabbed something from under his sleeping bag. It was a radio he took from a hunter a year ago.

Turning it on he put it on a weather report station. It was calming. "Goodmorning Japan! Rise and shine to another beautiful day today! The weather is looking lovely and might I suggest enjoying the morning before starting your day!"

Izuku started to eat his barries and just like the radio host said, enjoy the morning. But Izuku's day was only just beginning. On the outskirts where the forest and city met were a group of pro heroes.

"Alright everyone, listen up!" Tsukauchi shouted getting everyone's attention. "You already know this but I'll say it once again! Izuku Midoriya, age 15, hair color, green same with eye color! He's been missing for 7 years, he was abducted when he was 8!

We believe he was experimented on and has multiple quirks! Approach with caution! We don't know what state his mind is in. I can't even imagine what he's been through." Tsukauchi told them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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