Visiting a Hittachin

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(H) *knocking on office door* is their a Hittachin in here?

(Hh) *looking up* haruhi

(H) hikaru it's so good to see you

(Hh) *running up hugging haruhi* I missed you

(H) I missed you too, how has work been?

(Hh) it's great, get's kinda stressful here and there but I love it, I work with my parents and their happy one of us chose to join the family business

(H) how's kaoru been?

(Hh) he's doing good, it's hard for us to keep in touch with my busy schedule of creating clothes on time for runway walks and modeling I barley get to answer his calls to catch up, will text but I guess with all of this our twin bond isn't that great

(H) work can be stressful coming from the one who took on becoming a lawyer and studying in law school, jest to take a break and support my husband's work, you and kaoru do still have that twin bond you've always had growing up it's always going to be there

(Hh) thanks haruhi, how's your dad been?

(H) he's doing great and loves all the clothes you give him, people in his work love seeing all the dresses, skirts and shirts you've made

(Hh) that's great to hear

(H) you make people happy with your work hikaru you do an amazing job

(Hh) thank you haruhi

(H) it's no problem

(Hh) I've been doing some clothing ideas for your baby

(H) really?

(Hh) *showing clothes* you hadn't heard if it was a boy or girl so I went with gender fluid clothes so it can work for either one they are adorable

(H) oh hikaru their so cute

(Hh) I'm going to grab us some lemon tea theirs some bottles in my mini fridge *walking in other room*

(H) thank you *sharp pains* aha what's going on?

(Hh) haruhi? Are you alright? *setting drinks down*

(H) I...I don't know

(Hh) you need to sit your looking pale

(H) *walking dizzy* *falling towards ground*

(Hh) haruhi *catching haruhi* shit haruhi shit shit shit *carrying haruhi to car* please wake up haruhi

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