Traditions and Tattoos

19 1 4

Something's wrong, that's all he could think when he woke up in bed, Toaster's alarm hadn't even gone off yet. Wait... where was Toaster. He looked to its docking station where he sat charging over night, only for it to not be there at all. He scrambled out of bed, not even bothering to put a shirt or trousers on, his boxers had to do, Toaster came above his dignity. 

He jumped of the banister, not bothering with the stairs as he rushed to the shop below his apartment. If the little guy was anywhere, it would be here, most likely keeping everything in check. But it's not like a robot just forgets to do something, an override must have been given.

"Fuck!" he skidded to a stop at the door, sitting on the only two seats in his workshop, being served tea by Toaster were the two detectives. They had found him.

"Fuck indeed Mr. (L/N), at least your helper bot is a lot politer than you," Detective Rodriguez said, elegantly sipping on the chipped teacup.

"Toaster... Why didn't you alert me," the hissed.

"Because they told me not too!" he said all too proudly.

"We have checked your database, you seem to have no licence for either your bot nor your prosthetics. Illegally altering yourself is punishable by law," he sighed, a false pity on his face, "And I hate to think why you messed up such a perfectly fine body for a few metal parts."

"Why are you here, didn't think two detectives from the upper layers wanted anything to do with someone like me," he snarled.

"We need information," Ford said, slamming the mug he was given down on the work bench, getting a little too close to (Y/N) for his liking.

"And I need you to get out of my fucking house."

The detective stood up, using his cane to bat Ford back, "Where are our manners? We're not here to arrest you nor are we going to do anything about the numerous laws you've been breaking. We are willing to overlook it all if you just give us a little information. But of course, we should let our host get changed first, don't try to run, it'll just make it harder for you

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ --

"What information do you want from me then," he scowled leaning against his work bench as the two posh asses sat on the only two chairs in the room.

"As you must have heard from last night, there has been a sudden increase in attacks on Heaven. Multiple family houses have been broken into, mainly those of high ranking officials. We believe the culprit is from the cracks, someone most likely who works there, for one of the families maybe. You have a shop in the middle of the city, you must see a lot of people coming through."

"I guess so."

"Then, you can help us, have you heard or seen anything lately that you would say was suspicious," he said, his legs were crossed neatly, gloved hands placed over the cane's bird shaped head.

"Pfft! You're asking me if I've seen anything suspicious! Hah! Everything that goes on down here is suspicious," he laughed before grinning, "I think you're interrogating the wrong person unfortunately, I don't talk to anyone, people tell me to fix their shit and I fix it, no questions asked, no friendly small talk. I hear stuff, but nothing that would be connected to what you're looking for."

"Fucking waste of our time! We should have just turned him in boss!"


"You seem to have trouble keeping your subordinate under control. You might need to put a leash on him."

"I wonder how tight of a leash your boss keeps you on to keep you this quiet."

"I don't have a boss, I work for myself," he gritted his teeth, "Look if you want info so bad, go to the Ace of Gold, I assure you, they hear everything there. Though be careful, some of the girls have a tendency to bite."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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