-°~Chapter 14~°-

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Word Count: 1,105

The fact both my name(Callen) and nickname(Greg) just mean sex according to that^ is just-

The Audacity
No One's POV:

Izuku couldn't help but let he's head fall onto the table, though before he could give himself a head ach or knock himself out Sero put he's hand between him and the table allowing him to hit something softer.

"Mmmm why do we have to do this?" Izuku questioned annoyed.

"Because we need to study for the upcoming test" Sero stated as he continued to read on about atoms.

"Correction, YOU guys need to study, I am already perfectly educated on this subject, y'all just dragged me into this" Izuku stated as he removed he's head from Sero's hand, but before he took it away Izuku intertwined he's hand with Sero's, which made Sero softly smile.

"Yeah we dragged you into this because you know this, therefore if we get stuck you can help" Shoto chimed in as he put he's hand out waiting for Izuku to take he's hand, and Izuku did, he put he's other hand in Shoto's and let Shoto fiddle with it.

"But you guys are smart, you'll figure it out.. Eventually" Izuku stated with just the tiniest bit of teasing.

"After 5 energy drinks and 10 anime breaks, you keep us on track" Shoto argued.

"You stopped studying just to fiddled with my hand" he pointed out.

"I did not" Shoto stated defensively.

"Then let go of my hand and study"

"In this economy? How dare."


Sero simply continued to study as he listened to them playfully argue, though he himself also didn't bother to let go of Izuku's hand, because fuck that, he's hand was warm so no he will not.

After a bit of arguing Izuku finally gave a long sigh, it was clear Shoto wasn't going to do any of he's work until he could have as much contact with Izuku as he wanted, so Izuku thought about it for about a good 5 seconds before laying down an offer.

"If I sat in your lap would you finally study?" Izuku questioned with a head tilt.

"Depends on what your going to do while in my lap" Shoto stated teasingly.

"Get your fucking mind out of the gutter-" Izuku said as he lightly kicked Shoto's shin from under the table.

"Ow okay-" Shoto said as he pouted.

"Hey Chico, how bout you get in my lap?" Sero questioned as he looked away from he's book to look at Izuku.

"You horny bastard, in the library-?" Izuku questioned as he looked at Sero with a look of judgment.

"Okay first of all, no, that's not what I meant, I meant sit in my lap instead of Sho's" Sero clarified with a playful eye roll.

"What? No, Izuku sit in my lap" Shoto stated as he glared at Sero.

Oh, oh oh.

Izuku couldn't help but give a slight grin as he realized what Sero was trying to do, he was going to make Shoto jealous enough to where he'll do he's work and study so he can cuddle with him, it's so stupid and predictable but Shoto is both if he's being honest so why not take advantage of it? Just this once, he swore (he lied).

"Mmm what a hard choice- Make room Sero" Izuku stated as he got up to sit in Sero's lap, to which Sero uncrossed he's legs so Izuku could sit comfortably.

In doing so, Shoto made a face that was a mix between offended, betrayed, and jealousy, because how dare they do such a thing? In front of he's salad???? The Audacity.

While Shoto was thinking about how much Audacity they woke up with Izuku had gotten himself comfortable in Sero's lap, he was facing Sero (basically straddling him) while he laid he's full body weight on Sero so he could take a nap on him, because honestly he was tired as fuck and really just wanted to nap, and taking a nap on top of Sero just seems like the perfect place to nap on.

"Izukuuuu no fair, I want you in my lap!" Shoto whined with a pout.

"And I wanted to leave, guess we'll both just have to tough it out" Izuku stated with a slight sigh as he finally allowed he's body to relax.

"But Izuuuu I'm warmer!" Shoto stated, trying to get Izuku onto he's lap instead of Sero's.

"And hornier apparently" Sero chimed in, which got him a kick to the shin, he only chuckled at Shoto's response.

"Shut up you penny whore" Shoto stated with a huff.

"Wha- I don't know if I should be offended or not" Sero stated as he glared at he's bi-everything boyfriend.

"Be offended." Shoto stated as he glared right back.

"You fucking brat- Izuku can you even believe-?" Sero cut himself off once he looked down at Izuku.

Asleep.. He was asleep, of course he was, I mean Sero was very comfortable and despite their mini argument it was overall pretty chill along with mostly quiet, it was the perfect time to nap in my opinion.

"He's.. asleep" Sero stated quietly.

"He is? Hold on let me get a closer look at sleeping beauty" Shoto stated as he got out of he's chair and moved to the one right beside Sero.

"See? Asleep" Sero stated as he brought one of he's hands up to play with Izuku's hair.

"Mm... Has he been sleeping?" Shoto questioned quietly as he examined Izuku's eye bags, they seemed darker then usual.

"I hope so.. He may have just slept heavy" Sero said as he looked over Izuku's face as well.

"Maybe.. but just in case, maybe we should bring him back to our apartment so we can make sure he sleeps" Shoto suggested as he looked back up at Sero.

"Is this just you trying to get out of studying?" Sero questioned with a raised brow.

"Maybe, maybe not, but you can't deny that Izuku probably needs the extra hours" Shoto said with a shrug before he gave Sero a peck on the forehead right before he gave Izuku a peck on the forehead as well.

"Cheeky bastard.. Alright fine, I'll carry Izuku while you get the books together so we can go" Sero gave in with a sigh.

"Thanks darling" Shoto whispered before giving Sero a kiss.

"Of course love" Sero said with a small smile.

After that Shoto quickly got up to pack their stuff, seconds later they were both holding their things and on their way to their house.

Hopefully Izuku won't mind.

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