day 7: 'WAAAAAAA'

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Waluigi was listening to mos thoser by food house. Then his favourite part came on.

You're an icon cause you're me.
Think about how many people know they're gay because of me.
Got that F R umlaut H, my whole crew getting nuzzly,
Grab your man he's trying to roleplay on me all snuggly.

'OH MY GOD THAT'S MY FAVOURITE BIT IN MOS THOSER BY FOOD HOUSE!' said jupitercl0uds. It was bleedingly obvious xe wanted to be friends with Waluigi.
'WAAAAAAA!' bellowed he. He gave a nod of approval to them.

waluigi says 'wa' everyday until dekuyama is popular || volume 1Where stories live. Discover now