Chapter 1

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3rd person's POV
Mike sat at the edge of his bed, while staring at yet another letter his girlfriend had wrote.

He softly sighed to himself before reluctantly getting up and leaving the letter on his bed.

He knew he probably should've been more excited about receiving letters from his literal girlfriend, but lately, he had been feeling empty at their constant back and forth letters.

And yet, another person had occupied his mind, he yearned for them, but he'd never admit that aloud.

He opened his bottom drawer and quickly dug through his clothes before finding a letter he had written.

He couldn't help the smile that nabbed at his face, and he quickly opened the letter he had written for someone he dearly missed.

But it wasn't his girlfriend, it should've been, but it wasn't.

Dear, Will
I've missed you a lot, ever since you left, it's been making me feel a lot more lonely than I thought it would. I really wish you were here right now, maybe we could've been playing D&D, and I've joined a school club recently! You would've loved it, it's about d&d, we have this cool host named Eddie, but he's definitely not as cool as you. Can't wait to see you again... buddy!
Love, Mike.

His smile had slightly faded when he reread his letter, he softly shook his head before folding the letter and putting it back in its hiding place.

He had loads of more letters for Will, but the boy didn't know that, he probably thought Mike hated him, but that was far from the truth.

Mike secretly knew that, but of course, he never accepted that.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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