Happy Ending

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Jonah was stressed out as hell. Of course, driving way over the speed limit. He swore under his breath, he left his only friend to die! Guilt was overcoming him but he needed to get home safely and away from that hell-like place


Jonah woke to a horrible headache. 'Where am I?'  Jonah thought to himself, slowly opening his eyes. He could smell alcohol..and blood? He was in a hospital. He jolted up and checked his surroundings. He saw a radio. 


Jonah could make out a faint voice from the ear-piercing noise emitting from the radio. 

"JONAH---HELP---" Adam was still alive, and still in the basement! Jonah grabbed his things and immediately rushed to his car. Nurses chasing him, "Sir, please calm down, you are not fully healed!" Jonah didn't care, he needed to save adam. Finally making it to the house, Jonah kicked open the door and rushed down to the basement. Adam was on the floor, blood coming from his head. "ADAM!" Jonah rushes over to Adam and starts to help him stand. "We need to get out of here" They quickly rush out of the basement into the car. 

"We need to get you to the hospital, immediately" Jonah fumbled to put the gearstick into drive. "You saved me. I thought you weren't coming back" Adam winced at the pain, looking at his hand that had been painted red with blood. "Of course, I'd come back...I can't lose you, not like that." Adam slowly started to black out.

"He's awake!" a nurse started to check his blood pressure. "Where is Jonah?" Adam looked around the room. "Your friend? He is outside, I will get him for you." Adam stared at the door waiting for Jonah. The door slowly opened. "Jonah?" Adam's eyes lit up. "Adam I'm so sorry!" Jonah was embarrassed by how cowardly he acted. Adam pulled Jonah in a hug. "Don't worry, let's just get out of here." 

"You're free to go" The nurse walked Adam and Jonah out of the hospital. Jonah started the car. 


"Hell yeah!"

Vol 2. The good ending (Mandela Catalogue)Where stories live. Discover now